Bug #3152
openConsole's size in ttyv0 and single user mode is sticking to 80x25, while ttyv1 can make use of the whole screen
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I had try
Updated by overtime over 6 years ago
- Subject changed from ttyv0 and single user to Console's size in ttyv0 and single user mode is sticking to 80x25, while ttyv1 can make use of the whole screen
Sorry for my poor English.
I had tried DragonFly BSD in virtulbox and burned the img file to a USB to try the liveCD on my laptop. I encountered a problem that in ttyv0 and single user mode console could not make use of the whole screen while if I switch to ttyv1, it is normal.
I booted the System from EFI mode and the logo size is normal. When changed to loading messages, the console scrolled in a size of 80x25. I could not change to another mode use "vidcontrol" for there was only one mode.
The picture shows the mode used in ttyv0 and ttyv1 from "vidcontrol" command.
Thanks for any message helpful.
Updated by overtime about 6 years ago
- Status changed from New to Feedback
ttyv0 shows in whole screen in DrangFly BSD 5.4 realease, it seems this problem has been solved.