


Submit #2873 ยป 0001-sbin-fdisk.patch

Anonymous, 12/24/2015 05:33 AM

View differences:

#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
int iotest;
#define LBUF 100
static char lbuf[LBUF];
#define MBRSIGOFF 510
* Ported to 386bsd by Julian Elischer Thu Oct 15 20:26:46 PDT 1992
#define Decimal(str, ans, tmp) if (decimal(str, &tmp, ans)) ans = tmp
#define Hex(str, ans, tmp) if (hex(str, &tmp, ans)) ans = tmp
#define String(str, ans, len) {char *z = ans; char **dflt = &z; if (string(str, dflt)) strncpy(ans, *dflt, len); }
#define RoundCyl(x) roundup(x, cylsecs)
#define MAX_SEC_SIZE 2048 /* maximum section size that is supported */
#define MIN_SEC_SIZE 512 /* the sector size to start sensing at */
int secsize = 0; /* the sensed sector size */
const char *disk;
const char *disks[] =
#define MAX_SEC_SIZE 2048 /* maximum section size that is supported */
#define MIN_SEC_SIZE 512 /* the sector size to start sensing at */
#define MAX_SECTORS_PER_TRACK 0x3f /* maximum number of sectors per track */
#define MIN_SECTORS_PER_TRACK 0x1 /* minimum number of sectors per track */
#define MAX_HEADS 0xff /* maximum number of head */
static int secsize = 0; /* the sensed sector size */
static int fd; /* file descriptor of the given disk */
static const char *disk;
static const char *disks[] =
"/dev/ad0", "/dev/da0", "/dev/vkd0", 0
int cyls, sectors, heads, cylsecs;
int64_t disksecs;
static int cyls, sectors, heads, cylsecs;
static int64_t disksecs;
struct mboot
off_t bootinst_size;
struct dos_partition parts[4];
struct mboot mboot;
static struct mboot mboot;
#define ACTIVE 0x80
#define BOOT_MAGIC 0xAA55
int dos_sectors;
int dos_cylsecs;
#define DOSSECT(s,c) ((s & 0x3f) | ((c >> 2) & 0xc0))
#define DOSSECT(s,c) ((s & MAX_SECTORS_PER_TRACK) | ((c >> 2) & 0xc0))
#define DOSCYL(c) (c & 0xff)
#define MAXCYL 1023
static int partition = -1;
#define MAX_ARGS 10
static int current_line_number;
static int geom_processed = 0;
static int part_processed = 0;
static int active_processed = 0;
typedef struct cmd {
char cmd;
int n_args;
} args[MAX_ARGS];
} CMD;
static int B_flag = 0; /* replace boot code */
static int C_flag = 0; /* use wrapped values for CHS */
static int E_flag = 0; /* Erase through TRIM */
static void reset_boot(void);
static int sanitize_partition(struct dos_partition *);
static void usage(void);
#if 0
static int hex(char *str, int *num, int deflt);
static int string(char *str, char **ans);
main(int argc, char *argv[])
disk = disks[i];
rv = open_disk();
if(rv != -2) break;
if (rv != -2) break;
if(rv < 0)
if (rv < 0)
err(1, "cannot open any disk");
} else {
if (open_disk() < 0)
if (u_flag)
const char *fname;
int fd, n;
int boot_fd, n;
struct stat sb;
fname = b_flag ? b_flag : "/boot/mbr";
if ((fd = open(fname, O_RDONLY)) == -1 ||
fstat(fd, &sb) == -1)
if ((boot_fd = open(fname, O_RDONLY)) == -1 ||
fstat(boot_fd, &sb) == -1)
err(1, "%s", fname);
if ((mboot.bootinst_size = sb.st_size) % secsize != 0)
errx(1, "%s: length must be a multiple of sector size", fname);
if ((mboot.bootinst = malloc(mboot.bootinst_size = sb.st_size)) == NULL)
errx(1, "%s: unable to allocate read buffer", fname);
if ((n = read(fd, mboot.bootinst, mboot.bootinst_size)) == -1 ||
if ((n = read(boot_fd, mboot.bootinst, mboot.bootinst_size)) == -1 ||
err(1, "%s", fname);
if (n != mboot.bootinst_size)
errx(1, "%s: short read", fname);
partp->dp_typ = DOSPTYP_386BSD;
partp->dp_flag = ACTIVE;
start = roundup(start, dos_sectors);
if(start == 0)
if (start == 0)
start = dos_sectors;
partp->dp_start = start;
if (disksecs - start > 0xFFFFFFFFU) {
printf("parameters extracted from device are:\n");
printf("cylinders=%d heads=%d sectors/track=%d (%d blks/cyl)\n\n"
if((dos_sectors > 63) || (dos_cyls > 1023) || (dos_heads > 255))
if ((dos_sectors > MAX_SECTORS_PER_TRACK) || (dos_cyls > MAXCYL) || (dos_heads > MAX_HEADS))
printf("Figures below won't work with BIOS for partitions not in cyl 1\n");
printf("parameters to be used for BIOS calculations are:\n");
printf("cylinders=%d heads=%d sectors/track=%d (%d blks/cyl)\n\n"
int fd;
static void
erase_partition(int i)
dev_name = strtok(dev_name + strlen("/dev/da"),"s");
sprintf(sysctl_name, "", dev_name);
sysctlbyname(sysctl_name, &trim_enabled, &olen, NULL, 0);
if(errno == ENOENT) {
if (errno == ENOENT) {
printf("Device:%s does not support the TRIM command\n", disk);
if(!trim_enabled) {
if (!trim_enabled) {
printf("Erase device option selected, but sysctl (%s) "
"is not enabled\n",sysctl_name);
warnx("device %s is not character special", disk);
if ((fd = open(disk,
a_flag || I_flag || B_flag || u_flag ? O_RDWR : O_RDONLY)) == -1) {
if(errno == ENXIO)
if (errno == ENXIO)
return -2;
warnx("can't open device %s", disk);
return -1;
read_disk(off_t sector, void *buf)
lseek(fd,(sector * 512), 0);
if( secsize == 0 )
if ( secsize == 0 )
for( secsize = MIN_SEC_SIZE; secsize <= MAX_SEC_SIZE; secsize *= 2 )
/* try the read */
int size = read(fd, buf, secsize);
if( size == secsize )
if ( size == secsize )
/* it worked so return */
return secsize;
if (ioctl(fd, DIOCGPART, &partinfo) == -1) {
if (p_flag && fstat(fd, &st) == 0 && st.st_size) {
sectors = 63;
heads = 255;
heads = MAX_HEADS;
cylsecs = heads * sectors;
cyls = st.st_size / 512 / cylsecs;
} else {
warnx("can't read fdisk partition table");
return -1;
if (*(uint16_t *)&mboot.bootinst[MBRSIGOFF] != BOOT_MAGIC) {
if (*(uint16_t *)&mboot.bootinst[DOSMAGICOFFSET] != BOOT_MAGIC) {
warnx("invalid fdisk partition table found");
/* So should we initialize things */
return -1;
#ifdef NOT_NOW
int flag;
int flag = 1;
int sector;
if (iotest) {
return 0;
memcpy(&mboot.bootinst[DOSPARTOFF],, sizeof(;
* write enable label sector before write (if necessary),
* sector 0. (e.g. empty disk)
#ifdef NOT_NOW
flag = 1;
if (ioctl(fd, DIOCWLABEL, &flag) < 0)
warn("ioctl DIOCWLABEL");
if (write_disk(sector,
&mboot.bootinst[sector * secsize]) == -1) {
warn("can't write fdisk partition table");
return -1;
#ifdef NOT_NOW
flag = 0;
ioctl(fd, DIOCWLABEL, &flag);
return -1;
#ifdef NOT_NOW
flag = 0;
static int
decimal(const char *str, int *num, int deflt)
int acc = 0, c;
char *cp;
int acc = 0, c;
char *cp;
while (1) {
printf("Supply a decimal value for \"%s\" [%d] ", str, deflt);
#if 0
static int
hex(char *str, int *num, int deflt)
int acc = 0, c;
char *cp;
while (1) {
printf("Supply a hex value for \"%s\" [%x] ", str, deflt);
fgets(lbuf, LBUF, stdin);
lbuf[strlen(lbuf)-1] = 0;
if (!*lbuf)
return 0;
cp = lbuf;
while ((c = *cp) && (c == ' ' || c == '\t')) cp++;
if (!c)
return 0;
while ((c = *cp++)) {
if (c <= '9' && c >= '0')
acc = (acc << 4) + c - '0';
else if (c <= 'f' && c >= 'a')
acc = (acc << 4) + c - 'a' + 10;
else if (c <= 'F' && c >= 'A')
acc = (acc << 4) + c - 'A' + 10;
if (c == ' ' || c == '\t')
while ((c = *cp) && (c == ' ' || c == '\t')) cp++;
if (!c) {
*num = acc;
return 1;
} else
printf("%s is an invalid hex number. Try again.\n",
static int
string(char *str, char **ans)
int c;
char *cp = lbuf;
while (1) {
printf("Supply a string value for \"%s\" [%s] ", str, *ans);
fgets(lbuf, LBUF, stdin);
lbuf[strlen(lbuf)-1] = 0;
if (!*lbuf)
return 0;
while ((c = *cp) && (c == ' ' || c == '\t')) cp++;
if (c == '"') {
c = *++cp;
*ans = cp;
while ((c = *cp) && c != '"') cp++;
} else {
*ans = cp;
while ((c = *cp) && c != ' ' && c != '\t') cp++;
if (c)
*cp = 0;
return 1;
static const char *
get_type(int type)
while(counter < numentries)
if(ptr->type == type)
if (ptr->type == type)
status = 0;
else if (dos_sectors < 1 || dos_sectors > 63)
else if (dos_sectors < MIN_SECTORS_PER_TRACK || dos_sectors > MAX_SECTORS_PER_TRACK)
warnx("ERROR line %d: number of sectors must be within (1-63)",