


Bug #219 ยป ipfw2.diff

dragonfly, 06/28/2006 02:31 PM

View differences:

lib/libalias/Makefile 28 Jun 2006 02:30:49 -0000
LIB= alias
CFLAGS+= -Wall -Wmissing-prototypes
.if defined(IPFW2)
SRCS= alias.c alias_cuseeme.c alias_db.c alias_ftp.c alias_irc.c \
alias_nbt.c alias_pptp.c alias_proxy.c alias_smedia.c \
lib/libalias/alias_db.c 28 Jun 2006 02:08:47 -0000
#include <string.h>
#include <err.h>
#if IPFW2 /* support for new firewall code */
* helper function, updates the pointer to cmd with the length
* of the current command, and also cleans up the first word of
return ((void *)cmd - buf);
#endif /* IPFW2 */
static void ClearAllFWHoles(void);
* add fwhole accept tcp from OAddr OPort to DAddr DPort
* add fwhole accept tcp from DAddr DPort to OAddr OPort
#if IPFW2
if (GetOriginalPort(link) != 0 && GetDestPort(link) != 0) {
u_int32_t rulebuf[255];
int i;
if (r)
err(1, "alias punch inbound(2) setsockopt(IP_FW_ADD)");
#else /* !IPFW2, old code to generate ipfw rule */
/* Build generic part of the two rules */
rule.fw_number = fwhole;
IP_FW_SETNSRCP(&rule, 1); /* Number of source ports. */
IP_FW_SETNDSTP(&rule, 1); /* Number of destination ports. */
rule.fw_flg = IP_FW_F_ACCEPT | IP_FW_F_IN | IP_FW_F_OUT;
rule.fw_prot = IPPROTO_TCP;
rule.fw_smsk.s_addr = INADDR_BROADCAST;
rule.fw_dmsk.s_addr = INADDR_BROADCAST;
/* Build and apply specific part of the rules */
rule.fw_src = GetOriginalAddress(link);
rule.fw_dst = GetDestAddress(link);
rule.fw_uar.fw_pts[0] = ntohs(GetOriginalPort(link));
rule.fw_uar.fw_pts[1] = ntohs(GetDestPort(link));
/* Skip non-bound links - XXX should not be strictly necessary,
but seems to leave hole if not done. Leak of non-bound links?
(Code should be left even if the problem is fixed - it is a
clear optimization) */
if (rule.fw_uar.fw_pts[0] != 0 && rule.fw_uar.fw_pts[1] != 0) {
r = setsockopt(fireWallFD, IPPROTO_IP, IP_FW_ADD, &rule, sizeof rule);
#ifdef DEBUG
if (r)
err(1, "alias punch inbound(1) setsockopt(IP_FW_ADD)");
rule.fw_src = GetDestAddress(link);
rule.fw_dst = GetOriginalAddress(link);
rule.fw_uar.fw_pts[0] = ntohs(GetDestPort(link));
rule.fw_uar.fw_pts[1] = ntohs(GetOriginalPort(link));
r = setsockopt(fireWallFD, IPPROTO_IP, IP_FW_ADD, &rule, sizeof rule);
#ifdef DEBUG
if (r)
err(1, "alias punch inbound(2) setsockopt(IP_FW_ADD)");
#endif /* !IPFW2 */
/* Indicate hole applied */
link->data.tcp->fwhole = fwhole;
fw_setfield(fireWallField, fwhole);
memset(&rule, 0, sizeof rule); /* useless for ipfw2 */
#if IPFW2
while (!setsockopt(fireWallFD, IPPROTO_IP, IP_FW_DEL,
&fwhole, sizeof fwhole))
#else /* !IPFW2 */
rule.fw_number = fwhole;
while (!setsockopt(fireWallFD, IPPROTO_IP, IP_FW_DEL,
&rule, sizeof rule))
#endif /* !IPFW2 */
fw_clrfield(fireWallField, fwhole);
link->data.tcp->fwhole = -1;
memset(&rule, 0, sizeof rule);
for (i = fireWallBaseNum; i < fireWallBaseNum + fireWallNumNums; i++) {
#if IPFW2
int r = i;
while (!setsockopt(fireWallFD, IPPROTO_IP, IP_FW_DEL, &r, sizeof r))
#else /* !IPFW2 */
rule.fw_number = i;
while (!setsockopt(fireWallFD, IPPROTO_IP, IP_FW_DEL, &rule, sizeof rule))
#endif /* !IPFW2 */
memset(fireWallField, 0, fireWallNumNums);
sbin/ipfw/Makefile 28 Jun 2006 02:29:42 -0000
PROG= ipfw
MAN= ipfw.8
.if defined(IPFW2)
SRCS= ipfw2.c
.include <>
sbin/ipfw/ipfw.8 28 Jun 2006 02:27:09 -0000
which you are encouraged to read to revise older rulesets and possibly
write them more efficiently.
See Section
for instructions on how to run
.Nm ipfw2
.Nm .
Default is no.
.Nm ipfw2
is standard in
CURRENT, whereas
STABLE still uses
.Nm ipfw1
unless the kernel is compiled with
.Cm options IPFW2 ,
.Nm /sbin/ipfw
.Nm /usr/lib/libalias
are recompiled with
and reinstalled (the same effect can be achieved by adding
.Nm /etc/make.conf
before a buildworld).
This Section lists the features that have been introduced in
.Nm ipfw2
sys/conf/options 28 Jun 2006 02:13:56 -0000
IPFILTER_LOG opt_ipfilter.h
IPFIREWALL opt_ipfw.h
IPFW2 opt_ipfw.h
sys/i386/conf/LINT 28 Jun 2006 02:14:24 -0000
options I586_PMC_GUPROF=0x70000
options IPFW2
options KBDIO_DEBUG=2
options KBD_MAXRETRY=4
options KBD_MAXWAIT=6
sys/net/dummynet/Makefile 28 Jun 2006 14:05:12 -0000
KMOD= dummynet
SRCS= ip_dummynet.c
.if defined(IPFW2)
.include <>
sys/net/dummynet/ip_dummynet.c 28 Jun 2006 02:16:01 -0000
struct dn_flow_set *
locate_flowset(int pipe_nr, struct ip_fw *rule)
#if IPFW2
struct dn_flow_set *fs;
ipfw_insn *cmd = rule->cmd + rule->act_ofs;
return fs;
if (cmd->opcode == O_QUEUE)
#else /* !IPFW2 */
struct dn_flow_set *fs = NULL ;
if ( (rule->fw_flg & IP_FW_F_COMMAND) == IP_FW_F_QUEUE )
#endif /* !IPFW2 */
for (fs=all_flow_sets; fs && fs->fs_nr != pipe_nr; fs=fs->next)
else {
fs = &(p1->fs) ;
/* record for the future */
#if IPFW2
((ipfw_insn_pipe *)cmd)->pipe_ptr = fs;
if (fs != NULL)
rule->pipe_ptr = fs;
return fs ;
int is_pipe;
#if IPFW2
ipfw_insn *cmd = fwa->rule->cmd + fwa->rule->act_ofs;
if (cmd->opcode == O_LOG)
cmd += F_LEN(cmd);
is_pipe = (cmd->opcode == O_PIPE);
is_pipe = (fwa->rule->fw_flg & IP_FW_F_COMMAND) == IP_FW_F_PIPE;
pipe_nr &= 0xffff ;
sys/net/ipfw/Makefile 28 Jun 2006 02:33:39 -0000
KMOD= ipfw
.if defined(IPFW2)
SRCS= ip_fw2.c
SRCS= ip_fw.c
#If you want it verbose
sys/net/ipfw/ip_fw.h 28 Jun 2006 02:17:51 -0000
#ifndef _IP_FW_H
#define _IP_FW_H
#if IPFW2
#include "ip_fw2.h"
#else /* !IPFW2, good old ipfw */
#include <sys/queue.h>
* This union structure identifies an interface, either explicitly
* by name or implicitly by IP address. The flags IP_FW_F_IIFNAME
* and IP_FW_F_OIFNAME say how to interpret this structure. An
* interface unit number of -1 matches any unit number, while an
* IP address of indicates matches any interface.
* The receive and transmit interfaces are only compared against the
* the packet if the corresponding bit (IP_FW_F_IIFACE or IP_FW_F_OIFACE)
* is set. Note some packets lack a receive or transmit interface
* (in which case the missing "interface" never matches).
union ip_fw_if {
struct in_addr fu_via_ip; /* Specified by IP address */
struct { /* Specified by interface name */
char name[FW_IFNLEN];
short glob;
} fu_via_if;
* Format of an IP firewall descriptor
* fw_src, fw_dst, fw_smsk, fw_dmsk are always stored in network byte order.
* fw_flg and fw_n*p are stored in host byte order (of course).
* Port numbers are stored in HOST byte order.
struct ip_fw {
LIST_ENTRY(ip_fw) next; /* bidirectional list of rules */
u_int32_t fw_flg; /* Operational Flags word */
u_int64_t fw_pcnt; /* Packet counters */
u_int64_t fw_bcnt; /* Byte counters */
struct in_addr fw_src; /* Source IP address */
struct in_addr fw_dst; /* Destination IP address */
struct in_addr fw_smsk; /* Mask for source IP address */
struct in_addr fw_dmsk; /* Mask for destination address */
u_short fw_number; /* Rule number */
u_char fw_prot; /* IP protocol */
#if 1
u_char fw_nports; /* # of src/dst port in array */
#define IP_FW_GETNSRCP(rule) ((rule)->fw_nports & 0x0f)
#define IP_FW_SETNSRCP(rule, n) do { \
(rule)->fw_nports &= ~0x0f; \
(rule)->fw_nports |= (n); \
} while (0)
#define IP_FW_GETNDSTP(rule) ((rule)->fw_nports >> 4)
#define IP_FW_SETNDSTP(rule, n) do { \
(rule)->fw_nports &= ~0xf0; \
(rule)->fw_nports |= (n) << 4;\
} while (0)
#define IP_FW_HAVEPORTS(rule) ((rule)->fw_nports != 0)
u_char __pad[1];
u_int _nsrcp;
u_int _ndstp;
#define IP_FW_GETNSRCP(rule) (rule)->_nsrcp
#define IP_FW_SETNSRCP(rule,n) (rule)->_nsrcp = n
#define IP_FW_GETNDSTP(rule) (rule)->_ndstp
#define IP_FW_SETNDSTP(rule,n) (rule)->_ndstp = n
#define IP_FW_HAVEPORTS(rule) ((rule)->_ndstp + (rule)->_nsrcp != 0)
#define IP_FW_MAX_PORTS 10 /* A reasonable maximum */
union {
u_short fw_pts[IP_FW_MAX_PORTS]; /* port numbers to match */
#define IP_FW_ICMPTYPES_DIM (IP_FW_ICMPTYPES_MAX / (sizeof(unsigned) * 8))
unsigned fw_icmptypes[IP_FW_ICMPTYPES_DIM]; /*ICMP types bitmap*/
} fw_uar;
u_int fw_ipflg; /* IP flags word */
u_short fw_iplen; /* IP length XXX */
u_short fw_ipid; /* Identification XXX */
u_char fw_ipopt; /* IP options set */
u_char fw_ipnopt; /* IP options unset */
u_char fw_iptos; /* IP type of service set XXX */
u_char fw_ipntos; /* IP type of service unset XXX */
u_char fw_ipttl; /* IP time to live XXX */
u_char fw_ipver:4; /* IP version XXX */
u_char fw_tcpopt; /* TCP options set */
u_char fw_tcpnopt; /* TCP options unset */
u_char fw_tcpf; /* TCP flags set/unset */
u_char fw_tcpnf; /* TCP flags set/unset */
u_short fw_tcpwin; /* TCP window size XXX */
u_int32_t fw_tcpseq; /* TCP sequence XXX */
u_int32_t fw_tcpack; /* TCP acknowledgement XXX */
long timestamp; /* timestamp (tv_sec) of last match */
union ip_fw_if fw_in_if; /* Incoming interfaces */
union ip_fw_if fw_out_if; /* Outgoing interfaces */
union {
u_short fu_divert_port; /* Divert/tee port (options IPDIVERT) */
u_short fu_pipe_nr; /* queue number (option DUMMYNET) */
u_short fu_skipto_rule; /* SKIPTO command rule number */
u_short fu_reject_code; /* REJECT response code */
struct sockaddr_in fu_fwd_ip;
} fw_un;
* N'of src ports and # of dst ports in ports array (dst ports
* follow src ports; max of 10 ports in all; count of 0 means
* match all ports)
void *pipe_ptr; /* flow_set ptr for dummynet pipe */
void *next_rule_ptr; /* next rule in case of match */
uid_t fw_uid; /* uid to match */
gid_t fw_gid; /* gid to match */
int fw_logamount; /* amount to log */
u_int64_t fw_loghighest; /* highest number packet to log */
long dont_match_prob; /* 0x7fffffff means 1.0-always fail */
u_char dyn_type; /* type for dynamic rule */
#define DYN_KEEP_STATE 0 /* type for keep-state rules */
#define DYN_LIMIT 1 /* type for limit connection rules */
#define DYN_LIMIT_PARENT 2 /* parent entry for limit connection rules */
* following two fields are used to limit number of connections
* basing on either src, srcport, dst, dstport.
u_char limit_mask; /* mask type for limit rule, can
* have many.
#define DYN_SRC_ADDR 0x1
#define DYN_SRC_PORT 0x2
#define DYN_DST_ADDR 0x4
#define DYN_DST_PORT 0x8
u_short conn_limit; /* # of connections for limit rule */
#define fw_divert_port fw_un.fu_divert_port
#define fw_skipto_rule fw_un.fu_skipto_rule
#define fw_reject_code fw_un.fu_reject_code
#define fw_pipe_nr fw_un.fu_pipe_nr
#define fw_fwd_ip fw_un.fu_fwd_ip
* rule_ptr -------------+
* V
* [ next.le_next ]---->[ next.le_next ]---- [ next.le_next ]--->
* [ next.le_prev ]<----[ next.le_prev ]<----[ next.le_prev ]<---
* [ <ip_fw> body ] [ <ip_fw> body ] [ <ip_fw> body ]
* Flow mask/flow id for each queue.
struct ipfw_flow_id {
u_int32_t dst_ip;
u_int32_t src_ip;
u_int16_t dst_port;
u_int16_t src_port;
u_int8_t proto;
u_int8_t flags; /* protocol-specific flags */
* dynamic ipfw rule
struct ipfw_dyn_rule {
struct ipfw_dyn_rule *next;
struct ipfw_flow_id id; /* (masked) flow id */
struct ip_fw *rule; /* pointer to rule */
struct ipfw_dyn_rule *parent; /* pointer to parent rule */
u_int32_t expire; /* expire time */
u_int64_t pcnt; /* packet match counters */
u_int64_t bcnt; /* byte match counters */
u_int32_t bucket; /* which bucket in hash table */
u_int32_t state; /* state of this rule (typically a
* combination of TCP flags)
u_int16_t dyn_type; /* rule type */
u_int16_t count; /* refcount */
* Values for "flags" field .
#define IP_FW_F_COMMAND 0x000000ff /* Mask for type of chain entry: */
#define IP_FW_F_DENY 0x00000000 /* This is a deny rule */
#define IP_FW_F_REJECT 0x00000001 /* Deny and send a response packet */
#define IP_FW_F_ACCEPT 0x00000002 /* This is an accept rule */
#define IP_FW_F_COUNT 0x00000003 /* This is a count rule */
#define IP_FW_F_DIVERT 0x00000004 /* This is a divert rule */
#define IP_FW_F_TEE 0x00000005 /* This is a tee rule */
#define IP_FW_F_SKIPTO 0x00000006 /* This is a skipto rule */
#define IP_FW_F_FWD 0x00000007 /* This is a "change forwarding
* address" rule
#define IP_FW_F_PIPE 0x00000008 /* This is a dummynet rule */
#define IP_FW_F_QUEUE 0x00000009 /* This is a dummynet queue */
#define IP_FW_F_IN 0x00000100 /* Check inbound packets */
#define IP_FW_F_OUT 0x00000200 /* Check outbound packets */
#define IP_FW_F_IIFACE 0x00000400 /* Apply inbound interface test */
#define IP_FW_F_OIFACE 0x00000800 /* Apply outbound interface test */
#define IP_FW_F_PRN 0x00001000 /* Print if this rule matches */
#define IP_FW_F_SRNG 0x00002000 /* The first two src ports are a min
* and max range (stored in host byte
* order).
#define IP_FW_F_DRNG 0x00004000 /* The first two dst ports are a min
* and max range (stored in host byte
* order).
#define IP_FW_F_FRAG 0x00008000 /* Fragment */
#define IP_FW_F_IIFNAME 0x00010000 /* In interface by name/unit (not IP) */
#define IP_FW_F_OIFNAME 0x00020000 /* Out interface by name/unit (not IP)*/
#define IP_FW_F_INVSRC 0x00040000 /* Invert sense of src check */
#define IP_FW_F_INVDST 0x00080000 /* Invert sense of dst check */
#define IP_FW_F_ICMPBIT 0x00100000 /* ICMP type bitmap is valid */
#define IP_FW_F_UID 0x00200000 /* filter by uid */
#define IP_FW_F_GID 0x00400000 /* filter by gid */
#define IP_FW_F_RND_MATCH 0x00800000 /* probabilistic rule match */
#define IP_FW_F_SMSK 0x01000000 /* src-port + mask */
#define IP_FW_F_DMSK 0x02000000 /* dst-port + mask */
#define IP_FW_UNUSED0 0x04000000
#define IP_FW_F_KEEP_S 0x08000000 /* keep state */
#define IP_FW_F_CHECK_S 0x10000000 /* check state */
#define IP_FW_F_SME 0x20000000 /* source = me */
#define IP_FW_F_DME 0x40000000 /* destination = me */
#define IP_FW_F_MASK 0x7FFFFFFF /* All possible flag bits mask */
* Flags for the 'fw_ipflg' field, for comparing values
* of ip and its protocols. Not all are currently used,
* IP_FW_IF_*MSK list the one actually used.
#define IP_FW_IF_TCPOPT 0x00000001 /* tcp options */
#define IP_FW_IF_TCPFLG 0x00000002 /* tcp flags */
#define IP_FW_IF_TCPSEQ 0x00000004 /* tcp sequence number */
#define IP_FW_IF_TCPACK 0x00000008 /* tcp acknowledgement number */
#define IP_FW_IF_TCPWIN 0x00000010 /* tcp window size */
#define IP_FW_IF_TCPEST 0x00000020 /* established TCP connection */
#define IP_FW_IF_TCPMSK 0x00000020 /* mask of all tcp values */
#define IP_FW_IF_IPOPT 0x00000100 /* ip options */
#define IP_FW_IF_IPLEN 0x00000200 /* ip length */
#define IP_FW_IF_IPID 0x00000400 /* ip identification */
#define IP_FW_IF_IPTOS 0x00000800 /* ip type of service */
#define IP_FW_IF_IPTTL 0x00001000 /* ip time to live */
#define IP_FW_IF_IPVER 0x00002000 /* ip version */
#define IP_FW_IF_IPMSK 0x00000000 /* mask of all ip values */
#define IP_FW_IF_MSK 0x00000020 /* All possible bits mask */
* For backwards compatibility with rules specifying "via iface" but
* not restricted to only "in" or "out" packets, we define this combination
* of bits to represent this configuration.
* Definitions for REJECT response codes.
* Values less than 256 correspond to ICMP unreachable codes.
#define IP_FW_REJECT_RST 0x0100 /* TCP packets: send RST */
* Definitions for IP option names.
#define IP_FW_IPOPT_LSRR 0x01
#define IP_FW_IPOPT_SSRR 0x02
#define IP_FW_IPOPT_RR 0x04
#define IP_FW_IPOPT_TS 0x08
* Definitions for TCP option names.
#define IP_FW_TCPOPT_MSS 0x01
#define IP_FW_TCPOPT_WINDOW 0x02
#define IP_FW_TCPOPT_SACK 0x04
#define IP_FW_TCPOPT_TS 0x08
#define IP_FW_TCPOPT_CC 0x10
* Definitions for TCP flags.
* Main firewall chains definitions and global var's definitions.
#ifdef _KERNEL
#define IP_FW_PORT_DYNT_FLAG 0x10000
#define IP_FW_PORT_TEE_FLAG 0x20000
#define IP_FW_PORT_DENY_FLAG 0x40000
* arguments for calling ipfw_chk() and dummynet_io(). We put them
* all into a structure because this way it is easier and more
* efficient to pass variables around and extend the interface.
struct ip_fw_args {
struct mbuf *m; /* the mbuf chain */
struct ifnet *oif; /* output interface */
struct sockaddr_in *next_hop; /* forward address */
struct ip_fw *rule; /* matching rule */
struct ether_header *eh; /* for bridged packets */
struct route *ro; /* for dummynet */
struct sockaddr_in *dst; /* for dummynet */
int flags; /* for dummynet */
struct ipfw_flow_id f_id; /* grabbed from IP header */
u_int32_t retval;
* Function definitions.
void ip_fw_init (void);
/* Firewall hooks */
struct sockopt;
struct dn_flow_set;
void flush_pipe_ptrs(struct dn_flow_set *match); /* used by dummynet */
typedef int ip_fw_chk_t (struct ip_fw_args *args);
typedef int ip_fw_ctl_t (struct sockopt *);
extern ip_fw_chk_t *ip_fw_chk_ptr;
extern ip_fw_ctl_t *ip_fw_ctl_ptr;
extern int fw_one_pass;
extern int fw_enable;
extern struct ipfw_flow_id last_pkt;
#define IPFW_LOADED (ip_fw_chk_ptr != NULL)
#endif /* _KERNEL */
#endif /* !IPFW2 */
#endif /* _IP_FW_H */
sys/net/ipfw/ip_fw2.c 28 Jun 2006 02:20:23 -0000
#endif /* INET */
#if IPFW2
#include <sys/param.h>
#include <sys/systm.h>
#include <sys/malloc.h>
#endif /* IPFW2 */