Bug #2674
openGPT Support
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DragonFly currently doesn't have any GPT support in its installer, which makes it hard to install on > 2TB storage volumes.
Proposed roadmap:
1. Register some GUID partition types
UFS and swap partitions could reuse the FreeBSD UFS and partition types
New types are needed for HAMMER and HAMMER2 file systems
2. Add full-volume support to the installer
The installer should be able to install DragonFly on a dedicated volume
3. Add partial volume support to the installer
For people wanting to keep non-DragonFly managed data on part of a volume
Updated by ftigeot almost 11 years ago
- Related to Bug #2264: DragonFly can't be installed on bigger than 2TB volumes added
Updated by herrgard almost 11 years ago
DragonFly has some partition types already. From /etc/defaults/uuids:
#- DragonFly
9d087404-1ca5-11dc-8817-01301bb8a9f5 "DragonFly Label32"
9d58fdbd-1ca5-11dc-8817-01301bb8a9f5 "DragonFly Swap"
9d94ce7c-1ca5-11dc-8817-01301bb8a9f5 "DragonFly UFS1"
9dd4478f-1ca5-11dc-8817-01301bb8a9f5 "DragonFly Vinum"
dbd5211b-1ca5-11dc-8817-01301bb8a9f5 "DragonFly CCD"
3d48ce54-1d16-11dc-8696-01301bb8a9f5 "DragonFly Label64"
bd215ab2-1d16-11dc-8696-01301bb8a9f5 "DragonFly Legacy"
61dc63ac-6e38-11dc-8513-01301bb8a9f5 "DragonFly HAMMER"
5cbb9ad1-862d-11dc-a94d-01301bb8a9f5 "DragonFly HAMMER2"
Updated by ftigeot almost 10 years ago
- Related to Bug #2830: gpt(8) doesn't align partitions to 1MB blocks added
Updated by pascii over 9 years ago
- File installer-gpt.patch installer-gpt.patch added
Here's a patch for installing to a GPT slice. You must manually setup the slice beforehand.