



Bug #2822


USB 3.0 stick throws "reading primary partition table: error accessing offset 000[...] for 152" error, while the stick works on any other OS I tested

Added by revuwa almost 10 years ago. Updated almost 10 years ago.

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My USB 3.0 stick (fat32 formatted) works great on other Windows / Linux and OpenBSD operating systems. On the stable DragonFly (and after that on "DragonFly-x86_64-20150601-DEV-v4.1.0.1545"-image, I get the usual message instantly after putting it into one of my USB 2.0 ports (of my ThinkPad X200s):
  1. umass0: <vendor 0x13fe Patriot Memory, class 0/0, rev 2.10/1.00, addr 2> on usbus3
  2. disk scheduler: set policy of da8 to noop
now I have to wait a few seconds and get the rest of the usual messages:
  1. da8 at umass-sim0 bus 0 target 0 lun 0
  2. da8: < Patriot Memory PMAP> Removable Direct Access SCSI-6 device
  3. da8: 40.000MB/s transfers
  4. da8: 30176MB (61800448 512 byte sectors: 255H 63S/T 3846C)
after a few seconds more I get the final message:
  1. da8: reading primary partition table: error accessing offset 000000000000 for 512
    which prevents me from mounting/using the stick.

Other (USB 2.0 sticks) working great instead.

I've attached dmesg and pciconf -lv output. Please let me know I I could provide any more details.

Over IRC I got a hint that it could be "an unfortunate collaboration of the usb stack and our cam", which could probably helpful.

Thanks in advance for any help.


pciconf.txt (5.51 KB) pciconf.txt revuwa, 06/03/2015 01:43 PM
dmesg.txt (12.3 KB) dmesg.txt revuwa, 06/03/2015 01:43 PM
usbconfig.txt (905 Bytes) usbconfig.txt revuwa, 06/03/2015 02:07 PM

Related issues 1 (1 open0 closed)

Related to Bug #2917: da8: reading primary partition table: error accessing offset 000000000000 for 512New06/01/2016

Actions #1

Updated by revuwa almost 10 years ago

added: usbconfig attachment. The USB 3.0 stick ist the "Patriot Memory" one.

Actions #2

Updated by revuwa almost 10 years ago

Of course I tried USB 3.0 ports, too (with the same problem).
This was my first idea, because I tried to put my USB 2.0 stick into USB 3.0 port and this doesn't work, too (but is not my problem here).

Actions #3

Updated by profmakx almost 10 years ago

  • Assignee set to profmakx
Actions #4

Updated by liweitianux almost 9 years ago

  • Related to Bug #2917: da8: reading primary partition table: error accessing offset 000000000000 for 512 added

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