Bug #48
closedturning off the beep
With 1.4.0 Release, "kbdcontrol -b quiet.off" should turn off the
keyboard beep, however it is not being disabled. Furthermore,
"kbdcontrol -b visual" does not cause the screen to flash at the
appropriate time.
Updated by qhwt+dfly about 19 years ago
On Mon, Jan 09, 2006 at 02:02:32AM -0500, Erik V. Smith wrote:
With 1.4.0 Release, "kbdcontrol -b quiet.off" should turn off the
keyboard beep, however it is not being disabled. Furthermore,
"kbdcontrol -b visual" does not cause the screen to flash at the
appropriate time.
I don't see a difference between `-b off' and `-b quiet.off', as the
former has always worked for me to turn off the beep. The patch below
should make `-b quiet.off' a synonym to `-b off'. Do you like it?
As for `-b visual', it works as it is; the screen flashes, for instance,
when I hit backspace at the beginning of line, or when I run printf '\007' .
Index: kbdcontrol.c
RCS file: /home/source/dragonfly/cvs/src/usr.sbin/kbdcontrol/kbdcontrol.c,v
retrieving revision 1.5
diff u -r1.5 kbdcontrol.c kbdcontrol.c 30 Oct 2005 23:00:57
--0000 1.5 duration = 0, pitch = 0;
++ kbdcontrol.c 9 Jan 2006 08:09:58 -0000@ -868,7 +868,7
else if (!strcmp(opt, "normal"))
duration = 5, pitch = 800;
else if (!strcmp(opt, "off"))
bell = 0, duration = 0, pitch = 0;
else {
char *v1;
Updated by qhwt+dfly about 19 years ago
On Mon, Jan 09, 2006 at 05:24:25PM +0900, YONETANI Tomokazu wrote:
On Mon, Jan 09, 2006 at 02:02:32AM -0500, Erik V. Smith wrote:
With 1.4.0 Release, "kbdcontrol -b quiet.off" should turn off the
keyboard beep, however it is not being disabled. Furthermore,
"kbdcontrol -b visual" does not cause the screen to flash at the
appropriate time.I don't see a difference between `-b off' and `-b quiet.off', as the
former has always worked for me to turn off the beep. The patch below
should make `-b quiet.off' a synonym to `-b off'. Do you like it?
As for `-b visual', it works as it is; the screen flashes, for instance,
when I hit backspace at the beginning of line, or when I run printf '\007' .
And this one should also fix `-b quiet.visual' which drhodus@ mentioned
earlier on kernel@ with a subject "BEEPING":
Index: kbdcontrol.c
RCS file: /home/source/dragonfly/cvs/src/usr.sbin/kbdcontrol/kbdcontrol.c,v
retrieving revision 1.5
diff u -r1.5 kbdcontrol.c kbdcontrol.c 30 Oct 2005 23:00:57 -0000 1.5
+++ kbdcontrol.c 9 Jan 2006 08:34:39 -0000@ -858,7 +858,7
int bell, duration, pitch;
- bell = 0;
+ bell = duration = pitch = 0;
if (!strncmp(opt, "quiet.", 6)) {
bell = 2;
opt = 6;@ -868,7 +868,7
else if (!strcmp(opt, "normal"))
duration = 5, pitch = 800;
else if (!strcmp(opt, "off"))
- duration = 0, pitch = 0;
bell = 0;
else {
char *v1;
Updated by qhwt+dfly about 19 years ago
On Mon, Jan 09, 2006 at 05:41:44PM +0900, YONETANI Tomokazu wrote:
And this one should also fix `-b quiet.visual' which drhodus@ mentioned
earlier on kernel@ with a subject "BEEPING":
No, forget about this; I thought that the reason that the bell doesn't
go away is because the variables duration and pitch are uninitialized
in `-b quiet.visual' case, but then I noticed those variables aren't
used at all when "quiet." is used, right after I sent the previous message...
Updated by erikvsmith about 19 years ago
YONETANI Tomokazu wrote:
+ bell = 0, duration = 0, pitch = 0;
variable "bell" is being initialized to zero on line 861 of
kbdcontrol.c, so I'm affraid this won't work.
Updated by qhwt+dfly about 19 years ago
On Mon, Jan 09, 2006 at 10:07:22AM -0500, Erik V. Smith wrote:
YONETANI Tomokazu wrote:
+ bell = 0, duration = 0, pitch = 0;
variable "bell" is being initialized to zero on line 861 of
kbdcontrol.c, so I'm affraid this won't work.
Well, I missed the tilde here:
if ((bell & ~2) == 0)
fprintf(stderr, "\x1B[=%d;%dB", pitch, duration);
which made me interpret the statement as `when quiet bit not set'...
Anyway, it turned out that both `-b off' and '-b quiet.off' turns off
the bell for me, without or without the patch :-] Do you see something
if you change the line calling ioctl() to something below?
if (ioctl(0, CONS_BELLTYPE, &bell) -1)
if ((bell & ~2) 0)
fprintf(stderr, "\x1B[=%d;%dB", pitch, duration);
If so, you may have to dig into scioctl() to find where it's failing
to set flags or flash the screen.
Updated by erikvsmith about 19 years ago
YONETANI Tomokazu wrote:
Anyway, it turned out that both `-b off' and '-b quiet.off' turns off
the bell for me, without or without the patch :-] Do you see something
if you change the line calling ioctl() to something below?if (ioctl(0, CONS_BELLTYPE, &bell) -1)
if ((bell & ~2) 0)
fprintf(stderr, "\x1B[=%d;%dB", pitch, duration);If so, you may have to dig into scioctl() to find where it's failing
to set flags or flash the screen.
thank you for the help, looks like I'm digging into scioctl() :
- kbdcontrol -b visual
CONS_BELLTYPE: Inappropriate ioctl for device - kbdcontrol -b quiet.off
CONS_BELLTYPE: Inappropriate ioctl for device
Updated by erikvsmith about 19 years ago
ah ha! the following properly shuts off the beep from within xorg
xset b off
Updated by corecode about 19 years ago
Erik V. Smith wrote:
ah ha! the following properly shuts off the beep from within xorg
xset b off
well, in xorg, yes. I guess we all thought you were playing on the console.