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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Author Assignee Updated
1700 DragonFlyBSD Submit In Progress Normal skip boot2 menu on <enter> Johannes.Hofmann tuxillo 06/03/2024 01:08 PM Actions
3142 DragonFlyBSD Submit Feedback Normal lib/libdmsg: Unbreak using new API EVP_CIPHER_CTX_new() tkusumi 01/07/2023 01:44 AM Actions
1398 DragonFlyBSD Submit In Progress Normal hdestroy(3) restricts hash key to point to malloc'ed space Anonymous 08/20/2021 04:06 PM Actions
3312 DragonFlyBSD Submit New Normal hammer2: redundant chain modify after chain creation tkusumi 05/15/2022 01:35 PM Actions
3041 DragonFlyBSD Submit New Normal firmware: Remove embedding of multiple images in one module. Anonymous 12/25/2020 02:15 AM Actions
2790 DragonFlyBSD Submit New Low filedesc softrefs increment code factoring dclink 02/21/2015 04:00 AM Actions
2122 DragonFlyBSD Submit New Normal [Review] Fixes to the VFS layer ftigeot 05/31/2022 03:25 PM Actions
2098 DragonFlyBSD Submit New Normal [PATCH] correct ath man page example (/usr/src/share/man/man4/ath.4) nobody 11/15/2011 12:27 AM Actions
3373 DragonFlyBSD Submit New Normal [PATCH] contrib/zli: update to upstream version 1.3.1 dancrossnyc 10/30/2024 04:34 PM Actions
3355 DragonFlyBSD Submit New Normal [PATCH] Port ext4 extents support from FreeBSD phcoder 08/22/2023 08:03 PM Actions
3154 DragonFlyBSD Submit New Normal Update serial handling in bootloader ddegroot dillon 11/06/2018 11:21 PM Actions
2438 DragonFlyBSD Submit Feedback Normal TRIM fixes Anonymous tuxillo 05/11/2021 03:45 AM Actions
2721 DragonFlyBSD Submit Feedback Low Some few zalloc calls to objcache ones replacements dclink tuxillo 05/11/2021 04:08 AM Actions
2933 DragonFlyBSD Submit New Normal Remove unix domain socket support from cat(1) sevan 08/01/2016 08:10 PM Actions
3362 DragonFlyBSD Submit New Normal Reduce package dependencies of sysutils/cdrtools in branch withpkg mneumann 05/25/2024 12:50 AM Actions
2717 DragonFlyBSD Submit Feedback Normal Out of range numeric handling dclink tuxillo 05/11/2021 04:08 AM Actions
1192 DragonFlyBSD Submit New Normal KKASSERTs in sys/kern/uipc_{msg,socket}.c are too strict rumcic 05/11/2021 04:07 AM Actions
3201 DragonFlyBSD Submit In Progress Normal Fixes make search display htse daftaupe 08/27/2024 11:48 AM Actions
3147 DragonFlyBSD Submit New Normal Enable headless installation ddegroot 10/09/2018 01:25 PM Actions
2921 DragonFlyBSD Submit New Normal Allow moused to accept userland mouse events tautolog 05/11/2021 04:08 AM Actions
3276 DragonFlyBSD Submit New Normal Add option controlling whether gpt expand expands the last partition (needs testing) falsifian 07/10/2021 03:35 AM Actions
3227 DragonFlyBSD Submit New Normal Add HAMMER2 instructions in the installation medium README daftaupe 03/26/2020 03:34 PM Actions
3135 DragonFlyBSD Submit New Normal Add EVFILT_RECV and EVFILT_SEND tautolog 05/25/2018 09:59 PM Actions
1387 DragonFlyBSD Bug Feedback Normal zero-size malloc and ps: kvm_getprocs: Bad address qhwt+dfly 05/11/2021 04:00 AM Actions
2840 DragonFlyBSD Bug New Normal wrong voltage is reported yellowrabbit2010 09/11/2015 06:09 PM Actions
2412 DragonFlyBSD Bug New Normal wlan0 fails to get address via dhclient nonsolosoft 08/30/2012 05:55 AM Actions
1941 DragonFlyBSD Bug New Normal wlan config crash abandon.every.hope 12/24/2010 07:54 PM Actions
3231 DragonFlyBSD Bug New Normal wifi drops on 5.8 tse 04/06/2020 05:08 AM Actions
243 DragonFlyBSD Bug Feedback Normal weird behavior in the shell swildner 05/31/2022 02:51 PM Actions
1921 DragonFlyBSD Bug In Progress Urgent we miss mlockall alexh tuxillo 03/04/2023 04:18 PM Actions
1850 DragonFlyBSD Bug New Normal volume-add on hammer root fs panic Johannes.Hofmann 04/18/2019 04:27 AM Actions
2797 DragonFlyBSD Bug In Progress Low vkernels with & without machdep.pmap_mmu_optimize yellowrabbit2010 11/27/2021 08:06 AM Actions
2154 DragonFlyBSD Bug New Normal vkernel copyout() doesn't return EFAULT on error vsrinivas 10/20/2011 03:53 AM Actions
1429 DragonFlyBSD Bug Feedback Normal vkernel bug - "mfree: m->m_nextpkt != NULL" dillon 05/11/2021 04:00 AM Actions
2577 DragonFlyBSD Bug New Normal virtio-blk iops performance is cpu limited on high end devices gjs278 vsrinivas 08/01/2013 02:28 PM Actions
3323 DragonFlyBSD Bug New Normal virtio (if_vtnet...) not detected on Hetzner cloud (AMD system) mneumann 08/27/2022 06:37 AM Actions
2493 DragonFlyBSD Bug New Normal vidcontrol: invalid video mode name Svarov 01/24/2013 09:55 AM Actions
2224 DragonFlyBSD Bug New Normal v2.13.0.291.gaa7ec - Panic on fq while installing world tuxillo 11/18/2011 01:40 AM Actions
3132 DragonFlyBSD Bug New Low unifdef mined bcallah 04/26/2018 08:34 PM Actions
3282 DragonFlyBSD Bug New Normal unexpected errno value from fopen() bhaible 07/10/2021 03:34 AM Actions
2708 DragonFlyBSD Bug New Normal unable to send TCP nor UDP on age(4) interface dermiste 05/11/2021 03:54 AM Actions
3239 DragonFlyBSD Bug New Normal unable to SIGKILL glitched emacs piecuch 05/26/2020 03:30 AM Actions
742 DragonFlyBSD Bug In Progress Normal umount problems with multiple mounts corecode tuxillo 06/25/2022 04:02 AM Actions
3184 DragonFlyBSD Bug New Normal tsleep(9) return value when PCATCH specified tkusumi 04/03/2019 06:49 AM Actions
1819 DragonFlyBSD Bug In Progress Low truss - Major revamping task list tuxillo tuxillo 11/27/2021 08:45 AM Actions
3350 DragonFlyBSD Bug New Normal tmux: Terminfo file usr/share/terminfo/t/tmux-256color does not work correctly, when logging in from a remote tmux terminal session adrian 07/11/2024 06:08 AM Actions
3196 DragonFlyBSD Bug New Normal test issue after redmine upgrade (2) tuxillo 07/05/2019 04:33 AM Actions
3252 DragonFlyBSD Bug New Normal tcsetattr/tcgetattr set errno incorrectly on non-TTY tonyc 10/26/2020 09:34 PM Actions
3327 DragonFlyBSD Bug In Progress Normal sysutils/devfw-amdgpu: misses "green sardine" - Zen3 01/04/2023 07:21 AM Actions
1920 DragonFlyBSD Bug New High system hangs zhtw 11/22/2010 08:59 AM Actions
(1-50/480) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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