


Bug #3299

Updated by tuxillo over 2 years ago

System environment: 

 root@dragonflybsd /home/adrian 
  # uname -a 
 DragonFly dragonflybsd.v-zone.lan.dac 6.0-RELEASE DragonFly v6.0.1-RELEASE #1: Thu Oct 14 18:25:27 CEST 2021       adrian@dragonflybsd.v-zone.lan.dac:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/X86_64_GENERIC    x86_64 

 Running DragonFlyBSD inside a Debian KVM(qemu) virtualization as a guest with hardware acceleration, 
 the system reports a very wrong uptime, issuing "uptime". 

 Gkrellm even reports a negative, very strange uptime! Check by running gkrellm from the pkg system. 

 After ~2 days of uptime, I see this wrong uptime: 

 root@dragonflybsd /home/adrian 
  # uptime 
  6:35PM    up 42954 days, 10:01, 2 users, load averages: 0,00 0,00 0,00 

 The error also was present with Version 6.0.0. This is now Version 6.0.1 and the bug is still there. 

 Happens about three of four times, the bug is present right after booting into the system. 

 Thank you for taking the time reading this. 


 Adrian Kieß 
