


Bug #1769

Updated by tuxillo about 2 years ago

 panic: assertion: _tp->tt_msg->tt_cpuid == mycpuid in tcp_callout_active 
 mp_lock = 00000001; cpuid = 1 
 Trace beginning at frame 0xd82db9b8 
 panic(ffffffff) at panic+0x14f 
 panic(c037a20a,c03a4300,c036edf8,e100,0) at panic+0x14f 
 tcp_output(e3462208,e6b7e000) at tcp_output+0xe9a 
 tcp_input(e6b7e000,14,6) at tcp_input+0x3d63 
 transport_processing_oncpu(14,0,0,0,0) at transport_processing_oncpu+0x95 
 ip_input(e6b7e000) at ip_input+0xf11 
 ip_input_handler(e6b7e018) at ip_input_handler+0xe 
 netisr_run(2,e6b7e000) at netisr_run+0xdf 
 ether_demux_oncpu(d7e2c000,e6b7e000) at ether_demux_oncpu+0x37c 
 ether_input_oncpu(d7e2c000,e6b7e000) at ether_input_oncpu+0x138 
 ether_input_handler(e6b7e018) at ether_input_handler+0x102 
 netmsg_service(e6b7e018,1,0,1,ff8083d4) at netmsg_service+0x9d 
 tcpmsg_service_loop(0,0,0,0,0) at tcpmsg_service_loop+0x43 
 lwkt_exit() at lwkt_exit 
 boot() called on cpu#1 
 Uptime: 14d22h16m8s 
 Physical memory: 2043 MB 
 Dumping 487 MB: 472 456 440 424 408 392 376 360 344 328 312 296 280 264 248 232 216 200 184 168 152 136 120 104 88 72 56 40 24 8 


 _get_mycpu (di=0xc0466b60) at ./machine/thread.h:83 
 83            __asm ("movl %%fs:globaldata,%0" : "=r" (gd) : "m"(__mycpu__dummy)); 




 ylem:/var/crash# uname -a 
 DragonFly 2.7-DEVELOPMENT DragonFly v2.7.3.8.g3219b-DEVELOPMENT #28: Fri May    7 09:16:10 HST 2010    i386 



 This happened twice while switching back and forth between lighttpd 
 and nginx.    Kernel and cores being uploaded to 
 leaf:~pavalos/crash/*30 and *31 


