Bug #1287
openaltq configuration doesn't work
There seem to be serious issues with ALTQ.
Just now I tried to disable it, by removing altq queue definitions from pf.conf
+ resync, by disabling pf and also by flushing all pf data. Nevertheless it
kept on doing bandwidth shaping. Had to reboot to get rid of this.
Also I had the feeling that changing the altq queue parameters + resync did not
have any effect on the queueing behavior (changed from 560kbps -> 5kbps), but I
could be mistaken in that regard.
Updated by tuxillo about 11 years ago
- Description updated (diff)
- Category set to Networking
- Assignee changed from 0 to tuxillo
- Target version set to 3.8
Updated by tuxillo about 11 years ago
- Status changed from New to Feedback
I've been playing around a bit with ALTQ on a VM with a very simple config and a 1GB test file called test.img.
altq on em0 cbq bandwidth 5Mb queue { std }
queue std bandwidth 2Mb cbq(default)
pass out on em0 proto tcp queue std
For the test I connected to the dragonfly VM SFTP service using Filezilla and tried to download test.img.
Changing queue bandwidth (setting it to 200Kb, 1500Kb, 3Mb, ...) and using '/etc/rc.d/pf resync' or '/etc/rc.d/pf reload' I could see how the download speed changed.
So I guess this might not be valid anymore.
Anyways, let us know if you used different settings or queues.
Antonio Huete
Updated by tuxillo almost 11 years ago
Hi all,
Anybody using ALTQ that could verify this please?
Antonio Huete