Bug #574
closedwpa_supplicant script
hi there
i've just tackling around a wpa_supplicant script for /etc/rc.d/ so we can
start wpa_supplicant automatically.
here it is:
you have to put this in your rc.conf:
wpa_supplicant_flags="-i ifX -B -c /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf"
where ifX is your wifi interface, in my case ath0
+ fix any bugs
+ wpa_supplicant timeout until it is COMPLETED
Updated by emss about 18 years ago
Antonio Huete JIménez <tuxillo@quantumachine.net> writes:
What's wrong with ifconfig_ifx="WPA DHCP" ?
Updated by tuxillo about 18 years ago
On Tue, 06 Mar 2007 15:10:20 +0100, Eric Masson wrote:
using this I got a "WPA bad value" error
if you have followed this:
then you should now that this guide is for FreeBSD.
Updated by emss about 18 years ago
Antonio Huete JIménez <tuxillo@quantumachine.net> writes:
Ok, It seems that this feature hasn't been ported to DFly.
Is there any real interest to change the behaviour described in this
paper ?
Updated by tuxillo about 18 years ago
On Tue, 06 Mar 2007 17:17:29 +0100, Eric Masson wrote:
this behaviour needs less rc.conf configuration than my script, so if you
want to port it you are welcome.
Updated by tuxillo over 17 years ago
I think this should be close since WPA support is not active
Updated by tuxillo over 17 years ago
Sascha Wildner was working on this: