Submit #1497
closedHAMMER Util - add `mirror-dump header' to retrieve header information from the stream
HAMMER Util - add `mirror-dump header' to retrieve header information from the stream
This may be useful when you want to archive PFSes on a HAMMER filesystem
to a non-hammer storage, format the original or a new hard drive, then
restore the PFSes back on, realizing you forgot writing down the shared-uuid's
(OK you probably won't, but I did :) The output is similar to that of
`hammer pfs-status' command applied to a live PFS, without `PFS #n' line
and the corresponding curly-brace.
sbin/hammer/cmd_mirror.c | 15 +++++++++++--
sbin/hammer/cmd_pseudofs.c | 2 --
sbin/hammer/hammer.8 | 5 +++-
sbin/hammer/hammer.c | 4 +--
sbin/hammer/hammer.h | 4 +--
5 files changed, 21 insertions(), 9 deletions(-)
diff --git a/sbin/hammer/cmd_mirror.c b/sbin/hammer/cmd_mirror.c
index a17fced..d463858 100644
--- a/sbin/hammer/cmd_mirror.c
+++ b/sbin/hammer/cmd_mirror.c@ -717,7 +717,7
@ again:
+hammer_cmd_mirror_dump(char **av, int ac)
char *buf = malloc(SERIALBUF_SIZE);
struct hammer_ioc_mrecord_head pickup;
@ -726,6 +726,12
@ hammer_cmd_mirror_dump(void)
int size;
int offset;
int bytes;
+ int header_only = 0;
if (ac 1 && strcmp(*av, "header") 0)
+ header_only = 1;
+ else if (ac != 0)
+ mirror_usage(1);
* Read and process the PFS header
@ -735,6 +741,11
@ hammer_cmd_mirror_dump(void)
mrec = read_mrecord(0, &error, &pickup);
+ if (header_only && mrec != NULL) {
+ dump_pfsd(&mrec->pfs.pfsd);
+ return;
+ }
* Read and process bulk records
*/@ -1406,7 +1417,7
@ mirror_usage(int code)
"hammer mirror-read <filesystem> [begin-tid]\n"
"hammer mirror-read-stream <filesystem> [begin-tid]\n"
"hammer mirror-write <filesystem>\n"
- "hammer mirror-dump\n"
+ "hammer mirror-dump [header]\n"
"hammer mirror-copy [[user@]host:]<filesystem>"
" [[user@]host:]<filesystem>\n"
"hammer mirror-stream [[user@]host:]<filesystem>"
diff --git a/sbin/hammer/cmd_pseudofs.c b/sbin/hammer/cmd_pseudofs.c
index a987eff..db2beb7 100644
--- a/sbin/hammer/cmd_pseudofs.c
+++ b/sbin/hammer/cmd_pseudofs.c@ -38,7 +38,6
static void parse_pfsd_options(char **av, int ac, hammer_pseudofs_data_t pfsd);
static void init_pfsd(hammer_pseudofs_data_t pfsd, int is_slave);
static void dump_pfsd(hammer_pseudofs_data_t pfsd);
static void pseudofs_usage(int code);
static int getyn(void);
static int timetosecs(char *str);
@ -466,7 +465,6
@ init_pfsd(hammer_pseudofs_data_t pfsd, int is_slave)
pfsd>mirror_flags |= HAMMER_PFSD_SLAVE;
dump_pfsd(hammer_pseudofs_data_t pfsd)
diff --git a/sbin/hammer/hammer.8 b/sbin/hammer/hammer.8
index 44f6bae..feadd6a 100644
--- a/sbin/hammer/hammer.8
++ b/sbin/hammer/hammer.8@ -762,12 +762,15
@ configuration field for the two file systems do not match.
If the target PFS does not exist this command will ask you whether
you want to create a compatible PFS slave for the target or not.
.\" ==== mirror-dump ====.It Ar mirror-dump.It Ar mirror-dump Ar [header]
.Ar mirror-read
can be piped into a
.Ar mirror-dump
to dump an ASCII representation of the mirroring stream.
If the keyword
.Ar header
is specified, only the header information is shown.
.\" ==== mirror-copy ====
.It Ar mirror-copy Ar [[user@]host:]filesystem Ar [[user@]host:]filesystem
This is a shortcut which pipes a
diff --git a/sbin/hammer/hammer.c b/sbin/hammer/hammer.c
index 000bb99..637b302 100644
-- a/sbin/hammer/hammer.c
++ b/sbin/hammer/hammer.c@ -352,7 +352,7
@ main(int ac, char **av)
else if (strcmp(av0, "mirror-stream") 0)
hammer_cmd_mirror_copy(av + 1, ac - 1, 1);
else if (strcmp(av[0], "mirror-dump") 0)
- hammer_cmd_mirror_dump();
+ hammer_cmd_mirror_dump(av + 1, ac - 1);
exit(0);@ -482,7 +482,7
@ usage(int exit_code)
"hammer mirror-read <filesystem> [begin-tid]\n"
"hammer mirror-read-stream <filesystem> [begin-tid]\n"
"hammer mirror-write <filesystem>\n"
- "hammer mirror-dump\n"
+ "hammer mirror-dump [header]\n"
"hammer mirror-copy [[user@]host:]<filesystem>"
" [[user@]host:]<filesystem>\n"
"hammer mirror-stream [[user@]host:]<filesystem>"
diff --git a/sbin/hammer/hammer.h b/sbin/hammer/hammer.h
index b0c6bdd..59a9167 100644
--- a/sbin/hammer/hammer.h
+++ b/sbin/hammer/hammer.h@ -86,7 +86,7
@ void hammer_cmd_synctid(char **av, int ac);
void hammer_cmd_mirror_read(char **av, int ac, int streaming);
void hammer_cmd_mirror_write(char **av, int ac);
void hammer_cmd_mirror_copy(char **av, int ac, int streaming);
-void hammer_cmd_mirror_dump(void);
+void hammer_cmd_mirror_dump(char **av, int ac);
void hammer_cmd_history(const char *offset_str, char **av, int ac);
void hammer_cmd_blockmap(void);
void hammer_cmd_reblock(char **av, int ac, int flags);@ -111,4 +111,4
@ void hammer_reset_cycle(void);
int getpfs(struct hammer_ioc_pseudofs_rw *pfs, const char *path);
void relpfs(int fd, struct hammer_ioc_pseudofs_rw *pfs);
+void dump_pfsd(hammer_pseudofs_data_t pfsd);
Updated by tuxillo about 11 years ago
- Tracker changed from Bug to Submit
- Description updated (diff)
- Category set to Userland
- Assignee changed from 0 to tuxillo
- Target version set to 3.8
Did you see this patch? Should we integrate it?
Antonio Huete
Updated by tuxillo almost 11 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
Applied in changeset 9f1b01216a394a5d97b8d4eaa4c56c449606a6fd.