


Submit #2864 ยป 0001-some-refactoring-for-boot0.patch

Anonymous, 12/12/2015 10:36 AM

View differences:

.set _FAKE,0x0 # Fake partition entry
.set _MNUOPT,0xc # Menu options
.set _SECTOR_FIELD_OFF,-0xe # Offset to Sector field
# in the fake partition
.set _DATA_OFF,PRT_OFF+_SECTOR_FIELD_OFF # Offset to boot0 variables
# from partition table
.globl start # Entry point
.code16 # This runs in real mode
movw $MEM_BIOS_LADDR,%sp # stack
* Copy this code to the address it was linked for
* Copy this code to the address it was linked for.
* Base address after relocation is - 0x600.
movw %sp,%si # Source
movw $start,%di # Destination
stosw # them
* Relocate to the new copy of the code. Do not make
* assumptions with regard to a relative-PC near jump
* capability.
* Set C:H:S to 0:0:1 and relocate to the new copy of
* the code. Do not make assumptions with regard to
* a relative-PC near jump capability.
incb -0xe(%di) # Sector number
incb _SECTOR_FIELD_OFF(%di) # Sector number
pushw $main # Jump to relocated code
* that the table starts 2 bytes earlier than you would
* expect as the bootable flag is after it in the block)
movw $(partbl+0x4),%bx # Partition table (+4)
xorw %dx,%dx # Item number
movw $(partbl+0x4),%bx # Partition table (+4 - type)
xorw %dx,%dx # Partition entry item number
* Loop around on the partition table, printing values until
* we pass a 256 byte boundary. The end of loop test is at
* we pass a 256 (4x 64 byte partitions) byte boundary. The
* end of loop test is at
* main.5.
main.3: movb %ch,-0x4(%bx) # Zero active flag (ch == 0)
movw $start,%bx # Data to write
movb $0x3,%ah # Write sector
callw intx13 # to disk
main.14: popw %si # Restore
popf # Restore
main.14: popw %si # Restore partition
popf # Restore eflags
* If going to next drive, replace drive with selected one.
movb $0x01,%ah # BIOS: Send
pusha # Save
pusha # Save (preserve driver number)
xorw %dx,%dx # Use COM1
int $0x14 # Character
popa # Restore
popa # Restore (restore driver number)
retw # To caller
os_dfbsd: .ascii "DF/F"
os_bsd: .ascii "BS"; .byte 'D'|0x80
.org PRT_OFF-0xe,0x90
.org _DATA_OFF,0x90
.word B0MAGIC # Magic number
#define BDA_SCR 0x449 /* Video mode */
#define BDA_POS 0x450 /* Cursor position */
#define BDA_BOOT 0x472 /* Boot howto flag */
#define BDA_NHRDRV 0x475
#define BDA_NHRDRV 0x475 /* Number of drivers found by BIOS */
#define BDA_KEYBOARD 0x496 /* BDA byte with keyboard bit */