Bug #1518
closedCD/DVD long boot time / unclear log
The CD/DVD uses mount_mfs to create a writable directory structure. Unfortunately mount_mfs copies all overlayed files instantaneously, leading to a very long boot time.
Additionally, the mounts happen after fsck prints some error about /dev/cd0a, so one could get the impression that the system is somehow fsck'ing the CD.
Updated by tuxillo about 11 years ago
- Description updated (diff)
- Category set to Other
- Assignee changed from 0 to tuxillo
- Target version set to 3.8
Updated by tuxillo almost 11 years ago
- Status changed from New to In Progress
Measured with a SATA DVD drive using a normal CD. Boot time: 1 minute 57 secs.
Antonio Huete
Updated by corecode almost 11 years ago
- File signature.asc signature.asc added
Wait, 2 minutes is good?
On 03/04/2014 01:25 AM, bugtracker-admin@leaf.dragonflybsd.org wrote:
Issue #1518 has been updated by tuxillo.
Status changed from In Progress to Closed
Closing this one.
Bug #1518: CD/DVD long boot time / unclear log
- Author: corecode
- Status: Closed
- Priority: Normal
- Assignee: tuxillo
- Category: Other
- Target version: 3.8.0
The CD/DVD uses mount_mfs to create a writable directory structure. Unfortunately mount_mfs copies all overlayed files instantaneously, leading to a very long boot time.Additionally, the mounts happen after fsck prints some error about /dev/cd0a, so one could get the impression that the system is somehow fsck'ing the CD.
Updated by swildner almost 11 years ago
On Tue, 04 Mar 2014 08:34:45 +0100,
<bugtracker-admin@leaf.dragonflybsd.org> wrote:
Issue #1518 has been updated by corecode.
File signature.asc added
Wait, 2 minutes is good?
Is trying to improve it really worth the effort? ISOs are mostly used for
VMs it seems and most people use our USB images.
Updated by corecode almost 11 years ago
- File signature.asc signature.asc added
That's a better reason :)
On 03/04/2014 08:46 AM, bugtracker-admin@leaf.dragonflybsd.org wrote:
Issue #1518 has been updated by swildner.
On Tue, 04 Mar 2014 08:34:45 +0100,
<bugtracker-admin@leaf.dragonflybsd.org> wrote:Issue #1518 has been updated by corecode.
File signature.asc added
Wait, 2 minutes is good?
Is trying to improve it really worth the effort? ISOs are mostly used for
VMs it seems and most people use our USB images.Sascha
Bug #1518: CD/DVD long boot time / unclear log
- Author: corecode
- Status: Closed
- Priority: Normal
- Assignee: tuxillo
- Category: Other
- Target version: 3.8.0
The CD/DVD uses mount_mfs to create a writable directory structure. Unfortunately mount_mfs copies all overlayed files instantaneously, leading to a very long boot time.Additionally, the mounts happen after fsck prints some error about /dev/cd0a, so one could get the impression that the system is somehow fsck'ing the CD.
signature.asc (901 Bytes)