Bug #1728
closedusername bug in bugs.dfly.org sign-up form
just noticed as i was signing up for the bugs system. i signed up with my full
name (Kiril Mitev) and entered km66 into the "username" field. i received
a "complete your registration" email, quote:
To complete your registration of the user "km66" with
DragonFly issue tracker, please visit the following URL:
could not login though. a password reset request later, it looks like the
system took my first name from the full name as my login:
The password has been reset for username "kiril".
Your password is now: MJAXLm6G
(i changed the password of course, thus no censoring)
not a big deal of course, but if the system swaps in a username it prefers to
use, please fix the emailer to report that username
Updated by alexh almost 15 years ago
AFAIK this is because you have sent mails to the bugs@ list. The bugtracker then
automatically creates a username for you.
Alex Hornung
Updated by kiril almost 15 years ago
users@ maybe, i'm quite sure i have not mailed bugs@.
Updated by swildner about 13 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
- Assignee deleted (
Closing as we have switched to a new tracker since.