



Bug #1890


docbook xml issues

Added by alexh over 14 years ago. Updated about 14 years ago.

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Out of laziness I'll just paste the relevant IRC lines:
alex__ : what's the deal with those docbook issues?
alex__ : the xml stuff
alex__ : I've seen them last time I've installed DragonFly on this laptop, too
alex__ : building stuff like xfce4 and gdm just fails
alex__ : in gtk-doc and/or zenity
alex__ : unable to parse en_GB/zenity.xml
alex__ : parser
error: Comment not terminated

alex__ : and for gtk-doc:
alex__ : checking for Docbook XML DTD V4.3 in XML catalog... not found \n
configure error: could not find
Docbook XML DTD V4.3 in XML catalog
alex__ : am I the only one seeing those issues?

Actions #1

Updated by alexh over 14 years ago

Some more info:
gtk-doc configure log:
zenity build log:

also, xmlcatalog, xsltproc and xmlcatmgr in /usr/pkg/bin are only linked against
/usr/pkg/lib libraries, no libraries in base other than lib[czm]

Actions #2

Updated by alexh over 14 years ago

As can be seen in the config.log, the XML_DEFAULT_CATALOG path (see gtk-
doc/Makefile) seems to be wrong:
$ ./configure --with-xml-catalog=/usr/pkg/etc/xml/catalog --with-libintl-
prefix=/usr/pkg --without-libiconv-prefix --prefix=/usr/pkg --build=i386-pc-
dragonfly --host=i386-pc-dragonfly --

It is /usr/pkg/etc/xml/catalog while it should be /usr/pkg/share/xml/catalog.
Adding a symlink from /usr/pkg/etc/xml/catalog to /usr/pkg/share/xml/catalog
fixes the issues.

Anyone got a clue on why the XML_DEFAULT_CATALOG variable is wrong? I'm
currently running a grep for it in the whole /usr/pkgsrc tree.

Actions #3

Updated by obache about 14 years ago

/usr/pkg/etc/xml/catalog should be created automatically from /usr/pkg/share/
examples/xmlcatmanager/catalog.etc.xml at package installation.
I've just installed DragonFly-2.8.2 from install CD. I found that xmlcatmgr
package is pre-installed, but default config files does not exist.
If xmlcatmgr package are created manually and installed, those files are
So I suppose that this issue came from OS installation.

Actions #4

Updated by alexh about 14 years ago

The point seems to be that the catalog should be in /usr/pkg/share/xml/catalog and
not in .../etc/xml/catalog.


Actions #5

Updated by obache about 14 years ago

System default catalog is /usr/pkg/etc/xml/catalog, users can customize it.
/usr/pkg/share/xml/catalog is maintained by pkgsrc framework, loaded from .../etc/
xml/catalog by default, i.e. used by internally, users should not edit it by
hands and it should not be used directly.

Actions #6

Updated by josepht about 14 years ago

On Tue, Nov 30, 2010 at 12:19:32PM +0000, OBATA Akio (via DragonFly issue tracker) wrote:

OBATA Akio <> added the comment:

System default catalog is /usr/pkg/etc/xml/catalog, users can customize it.
/usr/pkg/share/xml/catalog is maintained by pkgsrc framework, loaded from .../etc/
xml/catalog by default, i.e. used by internally, users should not edit it by
hands and it should not be used directly.

I fixed this locally by adding this line to /usr/pkg/etc/mk.conf


Perhaps we should put this in the default mk.conf on the install


Actions #7

Updated by nobody about 14 years ago

I am under the impression that the /etc/ file is supposed to include the
/usr/pkg/etc/ file and then allow user options to be added into it.
Something isn't either installing what it should, where it should, or is
ignoring proper paths which it should have for the data. The softlink
was a poor workaround, not a fix for the real problem. When I tried to
add other pkgsrc things to the GUI installer (for a more user friendly
disto with xfce4) I also ended up with things not fully configured as I
had hoped to have been when installed to the hard disk, but I didn't
take the time to look further into it. I just ended up manually
mounting and copying from the optical disk to the hard drive as a

Actions #8

Updated by pavalos about 14 years ago

I think there's something wrong with the package on the OS installation media
that's causing this problem. After reinstalling xmlcatmgr (from pkgsrc HEAD),
everything seems to work fine. Perhaps we can rebuild the package that's
included on the install media?

Actions #9

Updated by swildner about 14 years ago

I mark this resolved since I highly suspect that all these xml issues were
caused by the installer not copying /usr/pkg/etc (which has among other things /

I fixed it in 8991d7b953c86415343814a1f8a1a56489e8feb4.


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