Bug #2292
re interface with jumbo frames (mtu larger than 1500) hangs after some traffic
How to reproduce:
ifconfig re0 mtu 4088
cd /usr; make pkgsrc-create
wait a bit
re0 completely hangs; no ping; nothing when tcpdumping; nothing dmesg either
doing a
ifconfig re0 mtu 1500
gets it back to life though...
DragonFly v3.1.0.47.ge2743-DEVELOPMENT #0: Tue Jan 24 09:47:50 UTC 2012
re0: <RealTek 8111/8168 PCIe Gigabit Ethernet> port 0xe800-0xe8ff mem 0xfbffc000-0xfbffffff,0xfbffb000-0xfbffbfff irq 36 at device 0.0 on pci5
re0: Hardware rev. 0x2c000000; MAC ver. 0x2e; PCI-E 125MHz
miibus0: <MII bus> on re0
rgephy0: <8211B/RTL8169S/8110S media interface> on miibus0
rgephy0: 10baseT, 10baseT-FDX, 100baseTX, 100baseTX-FDX, 1000baseT, 1000baseT-FDX, auto
Updated by sepherosa about 13 years ago
2012/1/27 Stefan Krüger via Redmine <bugtracker-admin@leaf.dragonflybsd.org>:
Issue #2292 has been reported by Stefan Krüger.
Bug #2292: re interface with jumbo frames (mtu larger than 1500) hangs after some traffic
http://bugs.dragonflybsd.org/issues/2292Author: Stefan Krüger
Status: New
Priority: Normal
Target version:How to reproduce:
ifconfig re0 mtu 4088
cd /usr; make pkgsrc-create
wait a bit
re0 completely hangs; no ping; nothing when tcpdumping; nothing dmesg eitherdoing a
ifconfig re0 mtu 1500
gets it back to life though...
Can you try turning off txcsum when using jumbo frame on re0? i.e.
ifconfig re0 -txcsum
Best Regards,
Tomorrow Will Never Die
Updated by Anonymous about 13 years ago
Sepherosa Ziehau wrote:
2012/1/27 Stefan Krüger via Redmine <bugtracker-admin@leaf.dragonflybsd.org>:
Issue #2292 has been reported by Stefan Krüger.
Bug #2292: re interface with jumbo frames (mtu larger than 1500) hangs after some traffic
http://bugs.dragonflybsd.org/issues/2292Author: Stefan Krüger
Status: New
Priority: Normal
Target version:How to reproduce:
ifconfig re0 mtu 4088
cd /usr; make pkgsrc-create
wait a bit
re0 completely hangs; no ping; nothing when tcpdumping; nothing dmesg eitherdoing a
ifconfig re0 mtu 1500
gets it back to life though...Can you try turning off txcsum when using jumbo frame on re0? i.e.
ifconfig re0 -txcsumBest Regards,
I did:
ifconfig re0 -txcsum
ifconfig re0 mtu 4088
cd /usr; make pkgsrc-create
still hangs at 26 % (i.e. after transfering about 124.11 MiB)
Updated by sepherosa about 13 years ago
2012/1/30 Stefan Krüger via Redmine <bugtracker-admin@leaf.dragonflybsd.org>:
Issue #2292 has been updated by Stefan Krüger.
Sepherosa Ziehau wrote:
2012/1/27 Stefan Krüger via Redmine <bugtracker-admin@leaf.dragonflybsd.org>:
Issue #2292 has been reported by Stefan Krüger.
Bug #2292: re interface with jumbo frames (mtu larger than 1500) hangs after some traffic
http://bugs.dragonflybsd.org/issues/2292Author: Stefan Krüger
Status: New
Priority: Normal
Target version:How to reproduce:
ifconfig re0 mtu 4088
cd /usr; make pkgsrc-create
wait a bit
re0 completely hangs; no ping; nothing when tcpdumping; nothing dmesg eitherdoing a
ifconfig re0 mtu 1500
gets it back to life though...Can you try turning off txcsum when using jumbo frame on re0? i.e.
ifconfig re0 -txcsumBest Regards,
sepheI did:
ifconfig re0 -txcsum
ifconfig re0 mtu 4088
cd /usr; make pkgsrc-createstill hangs at 26 % (i.e. after transfering about 124.11 MiB)
Please test following patch:
Best Regards,
Tomorrow Will Never Die
Updated by Anonymous about 13 years ago
Sepherosa Ziehau wrote:
2012/1/30 Stefan Krüger via Redmine <bugtracker-admin@leaf.dragonflybsd.org>:
Issue #2292 has been updated by Stefan Krüger.
Sepherosa Ziehau wrote:
2012/1/27 Stefan Krüger via Redmine <bugtracker-admin@leaf.dragonflybsd.org>:
Issue #2292 has been reported by Stefan Krüger.
Bug #2292: re interface with jumbo frames (mtu larger than 1500) hangs after some traffic
http://bugs.dragonflybsd.org/issues/2292Author: Stefan Krüger
Status: New
Priority: Normal
Target version:How to reproduce:
ifconfig re0 mtu 4088
cd /usr; make pkgsrc-create
wait a bit
re0 completely hangs; no ping; nothing when tcpdumping; nothing dmesg eitherdoing a
ifconfig re0 mtu 1500
gets it back to life though...Can you try turning off txcsum when using jumbo frame on re0? i.e.
ifconfig re0 -txcsumBest Regards,
sepheI did:
ifconfig re0 -txcsum
ifconfig re0 mtu 4088
cd /usr; make pkgsrc-createstill hangs at 26 % (i.e. after transfering about 124.11 MiB)
Please test following patch:
http://leaf.dragonflybsd.org/~sephe/if_re.diffBest Regards,
Tomorrow Will Never Die
Still hangs :(
- make pkgsrc-create
If problems occur you may have to rm -rf pkgsrc and try again.
mkdir -p /usr/pkgsrc
cd /usr/pkgsrc && git init
Initialized empty Git repository in /usr/pkgsrc/.git/
cd /usr/pkgsrc && git remote add origin git://git.dragonflybsd.org/pkgsrcv2.git
cd /usr/pkgsrc && git fetch origin
remote: Counting objects: 1670882, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (519219/519219), done.
Receiving objects: 9% (152313/1670882), 39.48 MiB | 1.21 MiB/s
- ifconfig re0
media: Ethernet autoselect (1000baseT <full-duplex>)
status: active
I see some packets though when tcpdump'ing -ni re0:
09:05:47.417598 IP > Flags [.], ack 1, win 65535, length 0
09:07:02.417694 IP > Flags [.], ack 1, win 65535, length 0
09:08:17.417802 IP > Flags [R.], seq 1, ack 1, win 65535, length 0
but that's it, no ping, no NFS, no network anymore