



Submit #2673


hostapd and wpa_supplicant vendor update (2.1)

Added by kAworu almost 11 years ago. Updated almost 11 years ago.

Vendor software
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Actions #1

Updated by kAworu almost 11 years ago

patch against the vendor/HOSTAPD branch (archived because they were too big for the tracker)

Actions #2

Updated by kAworu almost 11 years ago

patch against the vendor/WPA_SUPPLICANT branch (archived because they were too big for the tracker)

Updated by kAworu almost 11 years ago

patch against master once both vendor branch have been merged in.

Note that vendor/HOSTAPD and vendor/WPA_SUPPLICANT were not cleanly merged in master.

Actions #4

Updated by marino almost 11 years ago

  • Assignee set to marino

I'll take it.

Actions #5

Updated by kAworu almost 11 years ago

Sorry for the lack of comments, I wanted to complete a full buildworld / kernel beforehand.

1. The vendors patches remove and contrib/wpa_supplicant-0.4.9 contrib/hostapd-0.4.9. They're both are unchanged since their import from 2006, so I figured they're not used nor needed anymore.

2. The vendors branches were not cleanly merged before, so a bit of conflict solving is needed for a clean merge.

3. both hostapd and wpa_supplicant now ship default configuration files (with a lot of documentation in comments). The patch install them under /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf, /etc/hostapd.conf and /usr/share/initrd/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf.

4. I've imported minor changes to the man pages from FreeBSD making sure to adapt where needed.

5. usr.sbin/802_11 Makefile were adapted from FreeBSD because they're using hostapd / wpa_supplicant 2.0 (which is closer to 2.1 than our previous 0.6.10 version). I've tested both to build without any option (default) and with all options (requires devel/pcsc-lite, see comments in usr.sbin/802_11/wpa_supplicant/Makefile).

6. usr.sbin/802_11/wpa_supplicant/driver_wired.c was removed because it is now provided by the vendor.

7. usr.sbin/802_11/wpa_supplicant/driver_dragonfly.c was removed and we use driver_bsd.c from the vendor which is DragonFly ready (no modification were needed and there was already ifdef DragonFly code).

8. `usr.sbin/802_11/l2_packet.c` is a copy of the vendor's `l2_packet_freebsd.c`. The changes are minimal between them and I think we should ask hostapd/wpa_supplicant to have a copy of `l2_packet_dragonfly.c`.

9. hostapd, wpa_cli and wpa_supplicant needs WARNS=0 in order to compile or small modifications. See comments below.

Updated by kAworu almost 11 years ago

hostapd and wpa_supplicant needs WARNS=0 because otherwise WPA_OUI_TYPE gets redefined (see attachment). I am uneasy because the dragonfly definition in /usr/include/netproto/802_11/ieee80211.h is very different from the vendor's in common/wpa_common.h and I am clueless about its purpose.

In addition wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant/scan.c redefine MIN but that is trivial to ignore.

Actions #7

Updated by kAworu almost 11 years ago

I've done a full buildworld, buildkernel, installkernel, installworld, and upgrade. All seems ok (config files executables and manuals) except the wpa_passphrase manual (which does not show).

Also I don't have the hardware to properly test hostapd / wpa_supplicant :( So wireless tester are welcome.

Actions #9

Updated by marino almost 11 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Closed

It's pull in over several commits. Here is the final one:



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