Bug #318
closedSegfault in uthread_create.c _thread_start() SMP
To recreate this bug (Sorry no C test code yet) install Zope29 from pkgsrc, and
Plone-2.5 into a zope instance Products. Add a "Plone Site" in the ZMI, and then
try to load the Plone site root. Python will immediately segfault attempting to
create a thread to handle the new connection. Corefile available. Backtrace
results attached.
Updated by aphor over 18 years ago
Corefile attached.
DragonFly rabbit 1.6.1-RELEASE DragonFly 1.6.1-RELEASE #6: Sat Aug 19 16:14:40
CDT 2006 root@rabbit.aphor.net:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/DUALPIII i386
This system was compiled from CVS 1.6.1 RELEASE tag.
Updated by corecode over 18 years ago
We would at least require the python binary itself to investigate.
But actually it looks like the fault happens in the python code
(select_select()) as I can't see thread_start() anywhere in the traces.
Updated by alexh almost 16 years ago
No answer from original reporter in 2 years since follow-up so I'm closing this
bug report.