


  • Login: adrian
  • Registered on: 10/25/2021
  • Last connection: 02/08/2025


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DragonFlyBSD Reporter 10/25/2021



10:57 AM DragonFlyBSD Bug #3300: Running Xvnc from TigerVNC package through the INETD daemon in TCP WAIT mode fails hard
saper wrote in #note-4:
> Sorry the formating for the last one is wrong:
> To sum up:
> [...]
> argv0...
06:21 AM DragonFlyBSD Bug #3351: XDM and GDM3 display manager under DragonFlyBSD 6.4: After starting — do only display black screen and fail to run correctly
Dear maintainer,
above problem, in that Xorg refuses to load and XDM not executing, was fixed with the kind help o...
06:08 AM DragonFlyBSD Bug #3350: tmux: Terminfo file usr/share/terminfo/t/tmux-256color does not work correctly, when logging in from a remote tmux terminal session
Dear maintainer,
another bug in conjunction with above bug:
Logging into DragonFly ZSH console shell right now,...
06:03 AM DragonFlyBSD Bug #3350: tmux: Terminfo file usr/share/terminfo/t/tmux-256color does not work correctly, when logging in from a remote tmux terminal session
Dear DragonFly maintainers,
the broken ZSH shell issue, when logging in from a remote TMUX on ZSH shell through SS...


08:22 AM DragonFlyBSD Bug #3351 (New): XDM and GDM3 display manager under DragonFlyBSD 6.4: After starting — do only display black screen and fail to run correctly
Dear Maintainer,
currently under DragonFlyBSD 6.4 and with up-to-date packages from pkg package manager, XDM and G...
12:46 AM DragonFlyBSD Bug #3350: tmux: Terminfo file usr/share/terminfo/t/tmux-256color does not work correctly, when logging in from a remote tmux terminal session
Additional info: I am using the ZSH shell from pkg manager, with the 'sh' shell, the terminfo file works. Thanks! adrian
12:43 AM DragonFlyBSD Bug #3350 (New): tmux: Terminfo file usr/share/terminfo/t/tmux-256color does not work correctly, when logging in from a remote tmux terminal session
Dear Maintainer,
the terminfo file /usr/share/terminfo/t/tmux-256color does not work correctly, when logging into ...


08:55 AM DragonFlyBSD Bug #3299: DragonFlyBSD reports utterly wrong uptime (most of the time, right after booting in)
daftaupe wrote in #note-8:
> I could reproduce on a KVM vm of mine after a random reboot
> [...]
> I will ...


01:43 PM DragonFlyBSD Bug #3299: DragonFlyBSD reports utterly wrong uptime (most of the time, right after booting in)
tuxillo wrote in #note-5:
> Can you please try activating dntpd? Does it make a difference?
Hello tuxillo. Disabl...
06:16 AM DragonFlyBSD Bug #3299: DragonFlyBSD reports utterly wrong uptime (most of the time, right after booting in)
tuxillo wrote in #note-5:
> Can you please try activating dntpd? Does it make a difference?
I had DNTPD already e...

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