


  • Login: saper
  • Registered on: 06/03/2024
  • Last connection: 06/03/2024


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DragonFlyBSD Reporter 06/03/2024



09:31 AM DragonFlyBSD Bug #2837: panic: free: guard1x fail, i915kms load from loader.conf
..I meant saper
09:30 AM DragonFlyBSD Bug #2837: panic: free: guard1x fail, i915kms load from loader.conf
See saper
09:29 AM DragonFlyBSD Bug #3245 (Resolved): panic: free: guard1x fail, i915 load from loader.conf
I'd say i915.ko is not supposed to be loaded by the loader, only afterwards. On FreeBSD it is the same (I vaguely rem... saper
09:22 AM DragonFlyBSD Bug #3313 (Resolved): Can't boot from my live USB at all. The kernel loading process hangs.
I think it should be reported to Ventoy if this does not work.... saper
09:19 AM DragonFlyBSD Bug #3300: Running Xvnc from TigerVNC package through the INETD daemon in TCP WAIT mode fails hard
Sorry the formating for the last one is wrong:
To sum up:...
09:17 AM DragonFlyBSD Bug #3300 (Feedback): Running Xvnc from TigerVNC package through the INETD daemon in TCP WAIT mode fails hard
Hi Adrian, I think the main problem is you need to add one more work in your command line. The reason for this is how... saper


01:08 PM DragonFlyBSD Submit #1700: skip boot2 menu on <enter>
I have installed 6.4 recently with pretty much default installer settings (separate /boot partition) and the problem ... saper

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