Bug #1251
closedno man page for objcache functions
The the objcache functions need to be documented in a man page
Updated by Anonymous about 16 years ago
: The the objcache functions need to be documented in a man page
Updated by Anonymous about 16 years ago
Greetings people.
I'm mostly done with the objcache(9) man page.
Please have a look at it & provide feedback (language, style, content, etc):
Thanks to Antonio Huete and Aggelos Economopoulos for linking me to the
Bonwick's papers and to Sascha Wildner for reviewing the draft.
Stathis Kamperis
Updated by sjg about 16 years ago
Some thoughts, best practices or methodologies for specifying cluster_limit0
and/or mag_capacity would make the objcache_create() description more complete.
Even just a simple example use-case.
_get() could stand the addition of "All objects are returned in an initialized
state, newly allocated objects are subjected to the object caches constructor
function, if not NULL, prior to being returned."
_put() and _dtor() could probably be further clarified.
objcache_put() returns obj to the oc object cache. The object must be in its
initialized state prior to this call. If there is no empty magazine available,
the object caches deconstructor function is called and the object is freed.
objcache_dtor() puts the obj back into the oc object cache, indicating that the
object is not in any shape to be reused and should be deconstructed and freed
An EXAMPLES section containing a complete but minified in-kernel implementation
of the common case usage would really round this out, although not necessary.
Looks good.
Updated by Anonymous about 16 years ago
I've finished writing objcache(9).
I think that it's commitable.
Patch in:
Pdf in:
Please review and/or commit.
Best regards,
Stathis Kamperis
Updated by swildner about 16 years ago
I will commit this (or any later version, if people have comments) next