Bug #393
closedconfstr() should return 0, not -1, on errors
According to
confstr() should return 0, not (size_t)-1, on errors. The current
DragonFly BSD implementation returns -1 if sysctl() fails.
Updated by joerg over 18 years ago
It should be noted that this is consistent with other BSDs. I don't have
a reference to POSIX.2 to verify the original specification.
Updated by guy over 18 years ago
Not with top-of-tree FreeBSD, it isn't - the top-of-tree FreeBSD code
returns 0:
The documentation, until recently, said it returned -1, but I filed a
bug about that:
and it was recently fixed:
As for NetBSD, I filed a bug on the code:
which is now closed - they changed the code and the man page.
Similar changes were made to OpenBSD in response to bug mail I sent:
so DragonFly is now inconsistent with the top of the tree of FreeBSD,
NetBSD, and OpenBSD, and its code is inconsistent with the 5.x and 6.x
releases of FreeBSD.
I don't have
a reference to POSIX.2 to verify the original specification.
Perhaps POSIX.2 said it returned -1 (I think my POSIX.2 is at work), but
what counts now is the Single UNIX Specification, and, as per the URL I
think I sent in my mail:
it says it returns 0 on errors.
Updated by dillon over 18 years ago
:Not with top-of-tree FreeBSD, it isn't - the top-of-tree FreeBSD code
:returns 0:
Seems pretty conclusive to me. Would someone like to make this
adjustment in our tree?
Updated by TGEN over 18 years ago
See attached patch.
Thomas E. Spanjaard
Updated by TGEN over 18 years ago
And the next attached patch fixes the only consumer of confstr(3) in our
tree (something the other BSDs don't appear to have done).
Thomas E. Spanjaard