Bug #414
closedSmall fix for omshell(1)
omshell should reference man pages dhclient and dhcpd in section 8, not 1.
Attached patches include a diff to src/usr.sbin/dhcp/dhcpctl/Makefile.bin
(adding a PATCHES= entry) and the patch itself ("omshell.1.patch"). I hope it's
the right way to do it.
Updated by fgudin about 18 years ago
I opened both issues (#413 and #414) through the web UI: IIRC, I
uploaded this file just after the initial post, because I could only
attach one file at a time.
I tried to check it out, but bugs. seems down right now.
In case I'm wrong, I could resend it but not before January 3rd: this
file is on my work PC, which I've no access to from home, sadly.
I'll take the opportunity of this post to wish everybody here an Happy
New Year ! (even if it's a bit too soon, localtime is 22:00)
Updated by dillon about 18 years ago
:omshell should reference man pages dhclient and dhcpd in section 8, not 1.
:Attached patches include a diff to src/usr.sbin/dhcp/dhcpctl/Makefile.bin
:(adding a PATCHES=3D entry) and the patch itself ("omshell.1.patch"). I hop=
:e it's
:the right way to do it.
The omshell.1.patch file is missing from your submission :-)
Updated by justin about 18 years ago
Bugs.dragonflybsd.org is back up and the patch is attached there; is this
OK to commit? (I'm unfamiliar with the changes made.)