Bug #497
closedadd -P flag to m4(1)
Here's a patch that will add the -P option to our m4. Please let me know
what you think. This is needed to bring in the latest flex sources.
Updated by dillon about 18 years ago
:Here's a patch that will add the -P option to our m4. Please let me know
:what you think. This is needed to bring in the latest flex sources.
Hmm. Running the getopt loop twice is kinda a hack. If you absolutely
have to do it at least put getopt's control string in one place so it
isn't duplicated.
Updated by dillon about 18 years ago
:We need to know if -P is set before we handle the -D and -U options.
:> ...and use optreset please.
:Ok, how's this one look:
That looks much better. I looked at some of the other OS dists
and NetBSD does something similar.
Updated by pavalos about 18 years ago
We need to know if -P is set before we handle the -D and -U options.
Ok, how's this one look: