Bug #2270
dma 0.7
- In the man page, change references to "three config files" to "two config
files" now that virtualtable is gone.
- Sending an email using "mail" as root throws this error, which appears to
be coming from dma:
send-mail: cannot drop root privileges: unknown error:
Updated by herrgard about 13 years ago
It cannot drop root privileges because you have no "mail" user. So you can either add one, or change #define DMA_ROOT_USER "mail" in libexec/dma/dma.h to use "mailnull", which is an user we have for sendmail.
Swildner seemed to think we should change drop group to mailnull as well. We have both mail and mailnull groups.
Updated by herrgard about 13 years ago
However, if we change the group to mailnull, we must change group ownership of /etc/dma/dma.conf to mailnull as well.
Updated by herrgard about 13 years ago
- File 0001-dma.8-dma-uses-two-configuration-files.patch 0001-dma.8-dma-uses-two-configuration-files.patch added
- File 0002-dma.h-change-DMA_ROOT_USER-to-mailnull.patch 0002-dma.h-change-DMA_ROOT_USER-to-mailnull.patch added
Patches attached.
Updated by herrgard about 13 years ago
- File 0003-dma.8-dma-uses-two-configuration-files.patch 0003-dma.8-dma-uses-two-configuration-files.patch added
Sorry Tim, I accidentally deleted your last message. Here it is though:
On Fri, Jan 6, 2012 at 6:46 PM, Tim Darby <t+dfbsd@timdarby.net> wrote:
- In the man page, change references to "three config files" to "two
config files" now that virtualtable is gone.- Sending an email using "mail" as root throws this error, which appears
to be coming from dma:
send-mail: cannot drop root privileges: unknown error:Tim
it appears that I'm registered in Redmine from having previously reported
bugs, but don't know my password. I tried to use the Lost Password link,
but when I get to the step of entering a new password, I get these messages:Last name can't be blank
Login is invalidAnyway, thanks, the patch worked! In the man page, there is another
reference to "three" files that needs to be changed.Tim
And here is a the new correct patch.
Updated by Anonymous about 13 years ago
- Status changed from New to Resolved
Thanks, it looks good and my login works now.
Updated by swildner about 13 years ago
- Status changed from Resolved to In Progress
- Assignee set to swildner
Updated by swildner about 13 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Closed