Bug #2472
closedL15 update
Dear DragonFlyBSD-bugs,
I have made a couple of updates to the L15 algorithm since it was imported
into the DragonFlyBSD tree as
the CSPRNG used for /dev/urandom (/sys/kern/kern_nrandom.c).
The first update (output indirection) is purely security related (and a
slight decrease in performance), so I
doubt you'd be interested in that.
However, the second update (which I implemented last night) increases
performance and also is a minor
security improvement. I would have thought this would be of interest to
DragonFly, especially considering
that the (random) system thread on DragonFly calls NANOUP_EVENT()
approximately once every second.
Both updates are available in source form (C++):
And the corresponding documentation (regarding both updates) is also
available from the above URL.
If you have an questions or don't understand what I'm talking about feel
free to contact me by E-mail.
Robin Carey BSc