Bug #3367
openifconfig wlan0 lscan does not exists
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The man page for ifconfig states that "lscan" is "a variant of scan that displays long SSIDs". But it does not exist:
$ ifconfig wlan0 lscan
ifconfig: lscan: bad value
What works is:
$ ifconfig wlan0 list lscan
AFAIK, FreeBSD defaults to showing long SSIDs, which IMHO is more intuitive and useful.
Updated by mneumann 6 months ago
daftaupe wrote in #note-1:
So should we update the manual page first ? So that lscan appears as a suboption of the list command ?
Or should we try to change the behaviour of the scan command ?
I think it'd make more sense to fix this properly. FreeBSD has
ifconfig wlan0 list scan
and with -v flag, it enables display of long SSIDs:
ifconfig wlan0 list scan -v
This is IMHO more intuitive.