



Bug #2110


incoherent packages for gettext-lib

Added by nonsolosoft over 13 years ago. Updated over 3 years ago.

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pkg_radd gdm (or emacs, or many other packages)

return warning about "Shared object not found, required by ..."

it installs gettext-lib- but it is too new for pre built packages.

Bye, \ferz

Actions #1

Updated by justin over 13 years ago

pkg_radd pulls from binary packages built using the latest quarterly
release of pkgsrc. Our images (I assume you're running a 2.11
install) are built using pkgsrc-current, so the pkgsrc items that came
as part of your install are from a newer version that what pkg_radd
pulls down.

Here's some solutions:

- You can install pkgsrc in /usr/pkgsrc using make pkgsrc-update in
/usr, and use either the latest branch, in which case binary packages
added with pkg_radd will work, or use the bleeding edge, which should
match what you have installed.

- Except you said your download of pkgsrc keeps not working, in a
different email, I think. So that doesn't help.

- You could rip out pkgsrc completely and re-add it in a way where you
know everything is up to date. WARNING: I have not tested this
directly; I may have missed something really important!

rm -rf /usr/pkgsrc
rm -rf /usr/pkg
rm -rf /var/db/pkg
rm -rf /var/db/pkg.refcount
  1. the next two items assume you are using tcsh
    setenv CVSROOT :/cvsroot
    setenv CVS_RSH ssh
    cd /usr
    cvs -q checkout -rpkgsrc-2011Q1 -P pkgsrc
    cd pkgsrc/bootstrap

When that's done, you should have pkgsrc-2011Q1 in /usr/pkgsrc, which
matches the binary packages available for download.

You will need to re-add all packages that you want to have installed,
at that point, either through pkg_radd or by building from source in

- The step that really needs to be done is making sure the install
ISOs are built with the matching release, instead of bleeding-edge
pkgsrc. That's our fault. I'm not sure how to change that, since I
haven't built ISOs.

On Sun, Aug 7, 2011 at 4:55 AM, ferz <> wrote:


pkg_radd gdm (or emacs, or many other packages)

return warning about "Shared object not found, required by ..."

it installs gettext-lib- but it is too new for pre built packages.

Bye,              \ferz

Actions #2

Updated by marino over 13 years ago

I had this problem a few weeks ago, but I just created a symbolic link to the latest and everything went fine. After all the
libintl-dependent packages are built, this symlink can be deleted.

It was the quickest, most painless solution anyway.

Actions #3

Updated by tuxillo over 3 years ago

  • Description updated (diff)
  • Status changed from New to Closed
  • Assignee deleted (0)

We no longer use pkgsrc as our default package system.


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