Bug #2278
closed"Password hashing weakness in DF" (Matthias Schmidt)
Further to the email posted by Matthias Schmidt to DragonFly users list
I had a look at (GitWeb) the source code:
Both of those C files have bugs in them: "crypt-sha256.c:":
/* Then the magic string */
SHA256_Update(&ctx, magic, sizeof(magic));
Should be strlen(magic) instead of sizeof(magic).
And practically the same bug in: "crypt-sha512.c":
/* Then the magic string */
SHA512_Update(&ctx, magic, sizeof(magic));
Should be strlen(magic) instead of sizeof(magic).
There might be other bugs - I didn't really check for any .....
Robin Carey BSc
Updated by sjg about 13 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
I have deprecated that code, but the bugs will have to stick around until we tear it out to ensure peoples passwords keep working.
Updated by dillon about 13 years ago
:Issue #2278 has been reported by Robin Carey.
:Bug #2278: "Password hashing weakness in DF" (Matthias Schmidt)
After some coordination on IRC, Sam committed the linux sha256 and
sha512 code ($5$ and $6$) and set the default to the new sha512
code. The broken sha256/512 code ($3$ and $4$) is still present
in order to properly decrypt any passwords using the broken hash,
but can no longer be used to encrypt new passwords.