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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Author Assignee Updated
2547 DragonFlyBSD Bug New High crashed while doing a dry run of pkg_rolling-replace phma 04/18/2013 10:40 PM Actions
2544 DragonFlyBSD Bug New Normal live DVD system boot (menu option 1) caused db> prompt on PE1950 estrabd 05/11/2021 03:54 AM Actions
2535 DragonFlyBSD Bug New Normal Imap processes apparentlt blocked on disk I/O ftigeot 04/02/2013 09:31 AM Actions
2531 DragonFlyBSD Bug New Normal camcontrol fails to disable APM m.lombardi85 03/23/2013 12:28 PM Actions
2529 DragonFlyBSD Bug New Low Sundance network adapter is not detected and attached kworr 03/25/2013 02:29 AM Actions
2526 DragonFlyBSD Bug New Normal hammer cleanup doesn't run on first day of DST pavalos 10/18/2016 05:28 PM Actions
2520 DragonFlyBSD Bug New Normal panic: assertion "IS_SERIALIZED((ifp->if_serializer))" failed in if_default_serialize_assert at /usr/src/sys/net/if.c:437 ano 03/09/2013 12:14 AM Actions
2509 DragonFlyBSD Bug New Normal Redefinition of DIRBLKSIZ in restore(8) swildner 06/04/2022 04:40 AM Actions
2499 DragonFlyBSD Bug In Progress Urgent DRAGONFLY_3_2 lockd not responding correctly Nerzhul 01/22/2013 12:47 PM Actions
2498 DragonFlyBSD Bug New Normal DFBSD v3.2.2-RELEASE - LIST_FIRST(&bp->b_dep) == NULL" failed in vfs_vmio_release tuxillo 05/31/2022 04:09 PM Actions
2495 DragonFlyBSD Bug New High DFBSD v3.3.0.960.g553fe7 - ocnt != 0" failed in prop_object_release tuxillo 05/31/2022 04:08 PM Actions
2493 DragonFlyBSD Bug New Normal vidcontrol: invalid video mode name Svarov 01/24/2013 09:55 AM Actions
2490 DragonFlyBSD Bug New Normal nmalloc should color addresses to avoid cache bank conflictsw vsrinivas 06/10/2014 05:51 AM Actions
2489 DragonFlyBSD Bug New Normal nmalloc doesn't cache VA for allocations > 8KB vsrinivas 06/10/2014 05:51 AM Actions
2473 DragonFlyBSD Bug New Normal Kernel crash when trying to up the wpi0 device (Dfly v3.3.0.758.g47388-DEVELOPMENT) tomaz 02/24/2014 08:50 AM Actions
2453 DragonFlyBSD Bug New Normal panic: assertion "gd->gd_spinlocks == 0" failed Johannes.Hofmann 11/12/2012 12:54 PM Actions
2444 DragonFlyBSD Bug New Normal Crash during Hammer overnight cleanup justin 11/04/2012 07:58 AM Actions
2436 DragonFlyBSD Bug New Normal panic: assertion "lp->lwp_qcpu == dd->cpuid" failed in dfly_acquire_curproc thomas.nikolajsen 01/23/2013 11:07 AM Actions
2434 DragonFlyBSD Bug New Normal BTX Halted - Boot fails on USB/GUI lucmv 10/17/2012 08:12 PM Actions
2430 DragonFlyBSD Bug New Normal Alternate Password Hash method robin.carey1 10/07/2012 06:28 AM Actions
2423 DragonFlyBSD Bug New Urgent After multiple panics/locks, hitting KKASSERT in hammer_init_cursor rumcic 09/18/2012 02:28 AM Actions
2421 DragonFlyBSD Bug New High Kernel panic: vm_fault: page 0xc0f70000 not busy! lentferj 10/03/2012 08:16 AM Actions
2414 DragonFlyBSD Bug In Progress Normal Lenovo S10 acpi freeze (not new) davshao 05/11/2021 04:13 AM Actions
2412 DragonFlyBSD Bug New Normal wlan0 fails to get address via dhclient nonsolosoft 08/30/2012 05:55 AM Actions
2403 DragonFlyBSD Bug New Low newfs -E doesn't handle /dev/serno device names properly ftigeot 08/17/2012 05:07 AM Actions
(251-275/477) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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