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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Author Assignee Updated
331 DragonFlyBSD Bug In Progress Normal ftpsesame (aka Bridging S01E03) bastyaelvtars 03/09/2013 12:28 PM Actions
2282 DragonFlyBSD Bug In Progress Normal gdb segfaults with certain corefiles tuxillo 01/18/2012 04:40 PM Actions
1307 DragonFlyBSD Bug In Progress Normal hammer tid -2 shows unexpected result corecode 10/18/2016 05:29 PM Actions
1398 DragonFlyBSD Submit In Progress Normal hdestroy(3) restricts hash key to point to malloc'ed space Anonymous 08/20/2021 04:06 PM Actions
2013 DragonFlyBSD Bug In Progress Normal oversized DMA request loop josepht 05/11/2021 04:06 AM Actions
1661 DragonFlyBSD Bug In Progress Normal panic on password entry mount smb filesystem vsrinivas 11/27/2021 08:29 AM Actions
2296 DragonFlyBSD Bug In Progress High panic: assertion "m->wire_count > 0" failed thomas.nikolajsen 08/30/2012 06:09 AM Actions
1218 DragonFlyBSD Bug In Progress Normal panic: assertion: error == 0 in hammer_start_transaction rumcic 05/11/2021 04:00 AM Actions
1368 DragonFlyBSD Bug In Progress Normal suspend signal race? qhwt+dfly 05/11/2021 03:51 AM Actions
3021 DragonFlyBSD Bug In Progress Normal sys/dev/drm/i915/i915_gem_stolen.c:115]: (error) Signed integer overflow for expression '65535<<20' dcb 04/11/2017 12:46 PM Actions
3327 DragonFlyBSD Bug In Progress Normal sysutils/devfw-amdgpu: misses "green sardine" - Zen3 01/04/2023 07:21 AM Actions
2797 DragonFlyBSD Bug In Progress Low vkernels with & without machdep.pmap_mmu_optimize yellowrabbit2010 11/27/2021 08:06 AM Actions
2353 DragonFlyBSD Bug In Progress Normal panic: assertion "gd->gd_spinlocks_wr == 0" failed in bsd4_schedulerclock jaydg alexh 11/28/2012 01:57 AM Actions
3201 DragonFlyBSD Submit In Progress Normal Fixes make search display htse daftaupe 08/27/2024 11:48 AM Actions
2819 DragonFlyBSD Bug In Progress Normal Random micro system freezes after a week of uptime ftigeot dillon 08/16/2015 08:46 PM Actions
2549 DragonFlyBSD Bug In Progress Normal netgraph7: Kernel page fault. russiane39 nant 05/10/2013 11:20 PM Actions
168 DragonFlyBSD Bug In Progress Normal Livelocked limit engaged while trying to setup IPW wireless mschacht sepherosa 05/11/2021 04:05 AM Actions
1302 DragonFlyBSD Bug In Progress Normal Checkpoint regression? sjg sjg 07/10/2013 05:22 PM Actions
3295 DragonFlyBSD Bug In Progress Normal Adapt devel/libvirt for nvmm tuxillo tuxillo 11/03/2021 04:56 PM Actions
2358 DragonFlyBSD Bug In Progress Normal DFBSD v3.0.2.32.g928ca - panic: hammer: insufficient undo FIFO space! tuxillo tuxillo 05/10/2021 02:50 AM Actions
1469 DragonFlyBSD Bug In Progress Normal Hammer history security concern corecode tuxillo 05/11/2021 03:52 AM Actions
3318 DragonFlyBSD Bug In Progress Normal Segmenation fault when a process resumed with checkpt exits zabolekar tuxillo 06/18/2022 08:24 AM Actions
998 DragonFlyBSD Bug In Progress Normal Unconfiguring a vn while it is mounted rumcic tuxillo 05/11/2021 04:00 AM Actions
1390 DragonFlyBSD Bug In Progress Normal Use id_t type for {get,set}priority() Anonymous tuxillo 07/05/2019 02:18 AM Actions
1584 DragonFlyBSD Bug In Progress Normal can't use ssh from jail: debug1: read_passphrase: can't open /dev/tty: Device busy corecode tuxillo 05/11/2021 03:53 AM Actions
1547 DragonFlyBSD Bug In Progress Normal disklabel64 automatic sizing corecode tuxillo 05/11/2021 03:52 AM Actions
781 DragonFlyBSD Bug In Progress Normal fdisk uses wrong geometry on usb flash drives corecode tuxillo 05/11/2021 03:50 AM Actions
1475 DragonFlyBSD Bug In Progress Normal kernel blocks with low memory and syscons setting a high res mode / scrollback corecode tuxillo 05/11/2021 03:52 AM Actions
1528 DragonFlyBSD Bug In Progress Normal ktrace does not show proper return values for pipe(2) corecode tuxillo 05/11/2021 03:52 AM Actions
1030 DragonFlyBSD Bug In Progress Normal msdosfs umount panic corecode tuxillo 05/11/2021 03:51 AM Actions
1583 DragonFlyBSD Bug In Progress Normal panic: assertion: cursor->trans->sync_lock_refs > 0 in hammer_recover_cursor corecode tuxillo 05/11/2021 03:53 AM Actions
3347 DragonFlyBSD Bug In Progress Normal pctrack fails with kvm_nlist: No such file or directory tuxillo tuxillo 03/26/2023 07:16 AM Actions
1700 DragonFlyBSD Submit In Progress Normal skip boot2 menu on <enter> Johannes.Hofmann tuxillo 06/03/2024 01:08 PM Actions
1819 DragonFlyBSD Bug In Progress Low truss - Major revamping task list tuxillo tuxillo 11/27/2021 08:45 AM Actions
742 DragonFlyBSD Bug In Progress Normal umount problems with multiple mounts corecode tuxillo 06/25/2022 04:02 AM Actions
1921 DragonFlyBSD Bug In Progress Urgent we miss mlockall alexh tuxillo 03/04/2023 04:18 PM Actions
2391 DragonFlyBSD Bug In Progress Normal System lock with ahci and acpi enabled on ATI RS690 chipset with SMB600 sata controller jorisgio vadaszi 06/03/2015 03:51 PM Actions
2657 DragonFlyBSD Bug New High Needs acl to migrate our servers ferney 03/31/2014 11:37 AM Actions
2565 DragonFlyBSD Bug New Normal "ifconfig ix0 up" panic ltpig402a 06/03/2013 05:46 AM Actions
2931 DragonFlyBSD Bug New Low 'gdb' of 'vkernel' unable to print backtrace tofergus 07/26/2016 01:51 PM Actions
2930 DragonFlyBSD Bug New High 'objcache' causes panic during 'nfs_readdir' tofergus 07/26/2016 01:09 PM Actions
1990 DragonFlyBSD Bug New Normal /mnt too large to mount peur.neu 02/16/2011 11:24 PM Actions
2835 DragonFlyBSD Bug New Normal /usr/include/c++/5.0/bits/c++locale.h likes _POSIX_C_SOURCE>=200809 davshao 11/18/2015 03:40 AM Actions
599 DragonFlyBSD Bug New Urgent 1.9.0 reproducable panic pavalos 12/22/2010 01:08 AM Actions
2652 DragonFlyBSD Bug New Normal 189a0ff3761b47 ... ix: Implement MSI-X support locks up Lenovo S10 Intel Atom n270 davshao 05/14/2014 01:55 AM Actions
2107 DragonFlyBSD Bug New Normal 2.10.1 sata dvd drive issue ausppc 07/31/2011 08:41 PM Actions
2688 DragonFlyBSD Bug New Normal 67613368bdda7 Fix wrong checks for U4B presence Asrock Z77M difficulty detecting USB keyboard davshao 06/28/2014 07:08 PM Actions
2138 DragonFlyBSD Bug New Normal > 100% CPU usage robin.carey1 09/26/2011 12:20 PM Actions
2816 DragonFlyBSD Bug New Normal A multitasking process being debugged can get stuck phma 05/19/2015 03:57 AM Actions
2117 DragonFlyBSD Bug New High ACPI and/or bce(4) problem with on HP DL380 G6 pauska 08/22/2011 10:15 AM Actions
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