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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Author Assignee Updated
1882 DragonFlyBSD Bug New Low Idea for handling new USB vendor/device codes bmk 10/20/2010 12:15 PM Actions
1714 DragonFlyBSD Bug New Low hwpmc alexh swildner 08/18/2012 02:03 PM Actions
1538 DragonFlyBSD Bug New Low mountroot should probe file systems corecode alexh 11/24/2010 06:35 PM Actions
1532 DragonFlyBSD Bug New Low jemalloc doesn't work on DragonFly hasso sjg 08/02/2011 01:14 AM Actions
1313 DragonFlyBSD Bug New Low Signal code in kernel needs major overhaul (signal queues, si_code, si_addr) hasso 05/11/2021 04:00 AM Actions
679 DragonFlyBSD Bug New Low Netgraph backward compatibility for old *LEN constants nant nant 02/18/2014 05:45 AM Actions
600 DragonFlyBSD Bug New Low /sys/libkern/karc4random robin_carey5 profmakx 01/19/2015 03:07 AM Actions
2797 DragonFlyBSD Bug In Progress Low vkernels with & without machdep.pmap_mmu_optimize yellowrabbit2010 11/27/2021 08:06 AM Actions
2631 DragonFlyBSD Bug In Progress Low Verify library versioning current with full package build and switch it on (after publishing packages) tuxillo 05/11/2021 04:06 AM Actions
1819 DragonFlyBSD Bug In Progress Low truss - Major revamping task list tuxillo tuxillo 11/27/2021 08:45 AM Actions
1148 DragonFlyBSD Bug In Progress Low BCM4311 wireless network adapter detected but not functional archimedes.gaviola 05/11/2021 04:00 AM Actions
725 DragonFlyBSD Bug In Progress Low 'make distribution' fails w/'ro' /usr/obj c.turner 03/09/2013 01:01 PM Actions
2636 DragonFlyBSD Bug Feedback Low Add -x flag to iostat (a la solaris) tuxillo 05/11/2021 04:07 AM Actions
1428 DragonFlyBSD Bug Feedback Low POSIX.1e implementation is too old hasso tuxillo 05/11/2021 04:00 AM Actions
1127 DragonFlyBSD Bug Feedback Low cdrom drive not detected tgr corecode 01/15/2015 08:55 AM Actions
385 DragonFlyBSD Bug Feedback Low Mail archive address removal justin justin 03/09/2013 11:24 AM Actions
293 DragonFlyBSD Bug Feedback Low Various updates to the handbook victor victor 03/10/2013 04:46 AM Actions
285 DragonFlyBSD Bug Feedback Low interrupt latency with re without ip address configured thomas.nikolajsen 02/20/2014 10:30 AM Actions
3373 DragonFlyBSD Submit New Normal [PATCH] contrib/zli: update to upstream version 1.3.1 dancrossnyc 10/30/2024 04:34 PM Actions
3362 DragonFlyBSD Submit New Normal Reduce package dependencies of sysutils/cdrtools in branch withpkg mneumann 05/25/2024 12:50 AM Actions
3355 DragonFlyBSD Submit New Normal [PATCH] Port ext4 extents support from FreeBSD phcoder 08/22/2023 08:03 PM Actions
3312 DragonFlyBSD Submit New Normal hammer2: redundant chain modify after chain creation tkusumi 05/15/2022 01:35 PM Actions
3276 DragonFlyBSD Submit New Normal Add option controlling whether gpt expand expands the last partition (needs testing) falsifian 07/10/2021 03:35 AM Actions
3227 DragonFlyBSD Submit New Normal Add HAMMER2 instructions in the installation medium README daftaupe 03/26/2020 03:34 PM Actions
3154 DragonFlyBSD Submit New Normal Update serial handling in bootloader ddegroot dillon 11/06/2018 11:21 PM Actions
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