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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Author Assignee Updated
3321 DragonFlyBSD Bug New Normal hammer2: HAMMER2_XOPMASK_FEED handling in XOP retire tkusumi 08/07/2022 02:47 AM Actions
731 DragonFlyBSD Bug New Normal system freeze on "slice too large" corecode tuxillo 06/25/2022 04:01 AM Actions
3316 DragonFlyBSD Bug New Normal hammer2_dirent_create() allows creating >1 dirents with the same name tkusumi 06/05/2022 12:35 PM Actions
2509 DragonFlyBSD Bug New Normal Redefinition of DIRBLKSIZ in restore(8) swildner 06/04/2022 04:40 AM Actions
2498 DragonFlyBSD Bug New Normal DFBSD v3.2.2-RELEASE - LIST_FIRST(&bp->b_dep) == NULL" failed in vfs_vmio_release tuxillo 05/31/2022 04:09 PM Actions
2122 DragonFlyBSD Submit New Normal [Review] Fixes to the VFS layer ftigeot 05/31/2022 03:25 PM Actions
1876 DragonFlyBSD Bug New Normal devfs in jail + logging out from console(ttyv1+) -> panic qhwt.dfly tuxillo 05/31/2022 03:24 PM Actions
2042 DragonFlyBSD Bug New Normal kernel panic, when run boot0cfg sepherosa 05/31/2022 03:01 PM Actions
1975 DragonFlyBSD Bug New Normal Applications seg fault in select() and poll() rumcic 05/31/2022 02:58 PM Actions
1942 DragonFlyBSD Bug New Normal locking against myself in getcacheblk()? qhwt.dfly 05/31/2022 02:15 PM Actions
3314 DragonFlyBSD Bug New Normal Bring virtio_console(4) from FreeBSD tuxillo tuxillo 05/29/2022 08:24 AM Actions
1899 DragonFlyBSD Bug New Normal Keyboard doesn't work fransm 05/15/2022 03:32 PM Actions
3312 DragonFlyBSD Submit New Normal hammer2: redundant chain modify after chain creation tkusumi 05/15/2022 01:35 PM Actions
1877 DragonFlyBSD Bug New Normal Freeze during 1st hammer cleanup after new install elekktretterr 05/15/2022 11:43 AM Actions
1818 DragonFlyBSD Bug New Normal panic: Bad tailq NEXT (kqueue issue ?) ftigeot 05/15/2022 11:40 AM Actions
1836 DragonFlyBSD Bug New Normal Incorrect TCP checksum show up in tcpdump robgar1 05/15/2022 11:22 AM Actions
1769 DragonFlyBSD Bug New Normal panic: assertion: _tp->tt_msg->tt_cpuid == mycpuid in tcp_callout_active pavalos sjg 05/15/2022 11:07 AM Actions
1826 DragonFlyBSD Bug New Normal panic during boot: assertion so->so_port ... in tcp_input ftigeot 05/15/2022 11:05 AM Actions
1774 DragonFlyBSD Bug New Normal New IP header cleanup branch available for testing dillon 05/15/2022 10:59 AM Actions
2585 DragonFlyBSD Bug New Normal Dfly 3.4.3 on ESXi 5.1, HP Smart Array P410 passthrough recognised, but not functioning yggdrasil swildner 05/09/2022 08:14 AM Actions
1559 DragonFlyBSD Bug New Normal kernel trap phma 11/27/2021 08:43 AM Actions
3298 DragonFlyBSD Bug New Normal Running "w" and having logged in via XDM through VNC, "w" prints an extra error message piecuch 10/25/2021 09:16 AM Actions
3278 DragonFlyBSD Bug New Normal Second screen image is distorted 07/10/2021 03:36 AM Actions
3276 DragonFlyBSD Submit New Normal Add option controlling whether gpt expand expands the last partition (needs testing) falsifian 07/10/2021 03:35 AM Actions
3280 DragonFlyBSD Bug New Normal KMS console and i915(4) not working in 6.0 cmusser 07/10/2021 03:35 AM Actions
3282 DragonFlyBSD Bug New Normal unexpected errno value from fopen() bhaible 07/10/2021 03:34 AM Actions
3283 DragonFlyBSD Bug New Normal mknodat() cannot create FIFOs bhaible 07/10/2021 03:34 AM Actions
3284 DragonFlyBSD Bug New Normal Wrong towlower() result for U+038A bhaible 07/10/2021 03:34 AM Actions
3281 DragonFlyBSD Bug New Normal Crash after leaving unattended for a while bhaible 07/10/2021 03:32 AM Actions
2806 DragonFlyBSD Bug New Normal failed to configure a link-local address on ath0 (errno = 22) Chingyuan 05/25/2021 01:00 AM Actions
2917 DragonFlyBSD Bug New Normal da8: reading primary partition table: error accessing offset 000000000000 for 512 liweitianux 05/11/2021 08:43 PM Actions
2921 DragonFlyBSD Submit New Normal Allow moused to accept userland mouse events tautolog 05/11/2021 04:08 AM Actions
1192 DragonFlyBSD Submit New Normal KKASSERTs in sys/kern/uipc_{msg,socket}.c are too strict rumcic 05/11/2021 04:07 AM Actions
2852 DragonFlyBSD Bug New Normal Hammer File System - hangs on undo during system boot / mount - will not recover on DragonFlyBSD newer than 3.6.0 abale 05/11/2021 04:07 AM Actions
1293 DragonFlyBSD Bug New Normal 2.2.1-REL Installer Request mk tuxillo 05/11/2021 04:00 AM Actions
2808 DragonFlyBSD Bug New Normal X freeze by switching between X and VT - results in black screen lukesky333 05/11/2021 03:55 AM Actions
2067 DragonFlyBSD Bug New Normal sound/pcm: "play interrupt timeout, channel dead" matthiasr 05/11/2021 03:55 AM Actions
2708 DragonFlyBSD Bug New Normal unable to send TCP nor UDP on age(4) interface dermiste 05/11/2021 03:54 AM Actions
2647 DragonFlyBSD Bug New Normal HAMMER panic on 3.6.0 tuxillo 05/11/2021 03:54 AM Actions
2641 DragonFlyBSD Bug New Normal Panic when loading natapci as module tuxillo 05/11/2021 03:54 AM Actions
2630 DragonFlyBSD Bug New Normal Bring in latest iconv fixes from FreeBSD10 as well as csmapper updates tuxillo 05/11/2021 03:54 AM Actions
2544 DragonFlyBSD Bug New Normal live DVD system boot (menu option 1) caused db> prompt on PE1950 estrabd 05/11/2021 03:54 AM Actions
1594 DragonFlyBSD Bug New Normal Kernel panic during boot from Live CD on Dell E6400 bodie 05/11/2021 03:54 AM Actions
1556 DragonFlyBSD Bug New Normal many processes stuck in "hmrrcm", system unusable corecode tuxillo 05/11/2021 03:52 AM Actions
1474 DragonFlyBSD Bug New Normal ithread 1 unexpectedly rescheduled corecode tuxillo 05/11/2021 03:52 AM Actions
1442 DragonFlyBSD Bug New Normal blocking SIGSEGV and triggering a segment violation produces an all CPU consuming process corecode tuxillo 05/11/2021 03:52 AM Actions
1440 DragonFlyBSD Bug New Normal ptrace/gdb doesn't work after process blocks SIGTRAP corecode tuxillo 05/11/2021 03:52 AM Actions
3041 DragonFlyBSD Submit New Normal firmware: Remove embedding of multiple images in one module. Anonymous 12/25/2020 02:15 AM Actions
3252 DragonFlyBSD Bug New Normal tcsetattr/tcgetattr set errno incorrectly on non-TTY tonyc 10/26/2020 09:34 PM Actions
3249 DragonFlyBSD Bug New Normal HAMMER2 fsync(2) not working properly tkusumi 09/21/2020 07:07 AM Actions
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